4: Avery

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"Avery, welcome, take place.", The cyborg says.

I sit down in the chair in front of the desk.

The office looks like it comes from years ago, as if it is not renovated in opposition to all other rooms on the vehicle. The walls have a metal look and the desk looks old compared to the most on the vehicle.

The cyborg tells how I did the exam, "You scored for everything sufficient, except for politics. We're curious why that is, your participation in the subject is good."

That surprises me, I really thought I did that part well.

The cyborg continues, "You made two parts perfect, mathematics and physics. You also did the surprise part better than most."

What was that surprise part?

The cyborg says, "In the surprise part you had to solve puzzles and riddles."

Since when can the cyborgs read minds? That was exactly what I was thinking about.

After that the cyborg shows me the results in detail.

I think the time has come when I will be hearing which task I get. "We decided you will be one of the two inventors, with your talents in solving puzzles and your skills in mathematics and physics, you're the ideal person for that."

I didn't expect to get a task like this one, but thinking about it, it is kind of logical. I spend a lot of my free time in the lab doing experiments.

The cyborg continues giving more information, "The task of the inventor is really important, whenever there's a problem, you and your partner will have to solve it. You will also have to make inventions to make life on Spongecury easier. You will get to know later who your partner is, maybe you will discover yourself, otherwise you will get to know it during the meeting tomorrow. Do you have any questions?"

"I have no questions", I say.

"Then you may leave the office."

When I walk out of the office, Sophia walks immediately to me. If someone would tell me she has been waiting in front of the door the whole time, I would believe it.

"There you are, I waited for years till your conversation ended. Which task did you get?", she says.

Sophia is very good at exaggerating, she has a lot of energy in contrast to me, but I think that's one of the reasons we became such good friends.

I answer, "I got the task of inventor."

"That's amazing, I knew you would get an amazing task! Shall we celebrate?"

One of the monitors warns us we're too loud, in reaction to that, Sophia pulls my arm and drags me to the lab. As soon as we enter, she says, "Do you remember when we tried to make a replica of a mixer two years ago, but did not succeed because the fruit flew to all sides. I found it, push the button."

I push the button, glitter and candy flies through the room. Sophia turns on music and it is time to party!

One hour later we enter the eating hall, for this occasion there is pie, cake and other delicious things. I hear everywhere talk about the tasks received, I hear tasks such as doctor and data analyst. Unfortunately it is also clearly to be seen some are disappointed with the tasks they received.

I and Sophia go to the food table and take everything that looks good. The making of some things clearly went wrong, those things don't even look edible. The cyborgs probably didn't realise how awful it looks.

We go sit at a table next to the window, or better said at a table next to the giant monitor creating a sight, think about a sight looking at a forest. Together we eat all the delicious things in front of us, we try to guess tastes and rate everything. We come across foods tasting like carrot, lemon, chocolate and other tastes.

A couple of years ago we learned the hard way that not everything tastes as good as it looks like, still we forget about that every time. Before we realise we take a bite of a bright red cake, spit it out and yell in one second. Everybody looks at us with disgust, but we start laughing.

A boy walks over to us, Benny, an irritating boy whose passion is irritating Sophia. He says, "That cake looks delicious, may I take a bite?"

Before we can possibly react, he takes a huge bite of the red cake tasting like pepper. He starts yelling and spits it out immediately. He runs over to another table and steals the milk of an innocent boy and drinks it all in one sip,

This day can't possibly become better.

When we're finished eating, we walk in the direction towards our rooms. But close by the offices, we hear a loud bang. 

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