3: Sophia

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Exactly two weeks ago, we had to take the exam. I'm really curious to know which task I will get. I put on my most beautiful outfit for the exam, because I really hope I will get a task that has something to do with design. Designing fashion, experimenting with clothing and everything in that direction is my dream, that's also why I'm in the lab a lot.

In an hour the conversations in which we will hear which task we get will start. All the conversations together will take around ten hours.

Of course I will have to wake up Avery first. If she could, she would sleep till 11 am every morning, I could never. I only have to walk two minutes to get to her room and when I open the door, I find her in her bed. Because of her butterfly disease, I have to watch out with how I wake her up. To wake her up in a safe way, I learned to play the trumpet, but whether I can really play the trumpet, is another story. I have a toy trumpet, it would be useless to get a real trumpet if I only use it for waking up Avery.

I blow the trumpet, Avery wakes up. "Please, let me sleep, my body needs more sleep."

I say, "Today the conversations take place, remember? Sleep in another time."

"Oh no, what time is it?"

"Quarter past seven, the conversations start in three quarters. Sooo, hurry!"

She takes a long time to dress herself. As long as she's finished on time, it's good. I personally prefer to be at the waiting space half an hour before the conversations start, because those conversations are really important.

When Avery is finally finished dressing, we walk to the waiting room.

Most of the others are already sitting around us, the most are clearly nervous. Here and there, someone is shanking out of nerves, it is almost a miracle nobody has fallen out of a chair.

The monitor suddenly shows five names, the names of the teenagers who will have the conversations first. Vera is one of them, normally she is really joyful, but now it almost seems like she can die out of nerves.

When the first five enter the offices, the whole timetable is shown. My turn is at 11 am.

Suddenly Benny walks over to me, a clumsy looking boy, he asks, "You want to play some basketball?"

I answer, "You know really well I can't play basketball, why do you keep asking?"

"Do I look like I can remember that?"

After saying that, he looks away. And by the way, he really looks like he can't remember that. Sometimes it's a shame I can't play basketball, it seems like a nice sport and it would be amazing to win from Benny, but unfortunately, my pendred syndrome doesn't allow me to play it.

My pendred syndrome caused me to be a participant of this mission. Because of the syndrome, my ear is not like how it should be, my cochlea is smaller and a blow on my head can cause me to be deaf, so no basketball for me.

I'm not deaf but severely hearing impaired, but the chance of getting deaf will always be there. Luckily I will be hearing good on Spongecury.

To fill the waiting time, I and Avery talk about a lot of different things, mainly about predictions on what task everybody will get. It's now 10.45 am, and in a quarter time it's my turn.


"Sophia, Welcome, take place", the cyborg says.

I take place in front of the desk, I don't get why there's even a desk, the cyborgs never sit behind the desks.

The cyborg starts with giving the results, I scored well on all parts. I scored excellent on art history and design and I just passed for biology.

After that, the cyborg compares the results with expectations, apparently I did better than expected. They also expected me to dress well, I knew they would pay attention to that, I wonder how Avery will react when I tell her that.

Now is the moment I will be told what task I will get, "Sophia, it is decided you will be the head of the designer team."

Yess! I could scream from happiness. I really wanted to be a designer, but I never expected to be the head of the team.

The cyborg explains what the task includes. I will have to make clothing, design the interior for the buildings on Spongecury and other tasks like that. The team consists of me and two other girls.

Then he explains about the study and life after the study.

That was the conversation, I walk into the waiting room and tell Avery everything. Then Avery is called.

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