1: Avery, 2066

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For as long as I can remember, I have lived on this vehicle.

Five years ago, when I was ten years old, I asked one of the cyborgs everything about Mission Spongecury. According to the cyborg I spent the first two years of my life on earth, but I can't remember anything about that.

My first memory is that all fifty children started kindergarten, we were divided into two groups, boys and girls separated. That day I became friends with Sophia, since that day she is my best friend.

I don't know how it would be to live on earth, but I'm really satisfied with life on this vehicle. Sometimes I question how it's even possible to keep the vehicle in space, it's enormous. There is an unthinkable amount of things to be found on the vehicle, a multifunctional gym that can change in one second from a basketball court to swimming pool, a library with all books ever written on earth, an art studio, a cinema and my big favourite, a lab where you can try everything you want. I and Sophia are almost always to be found in the lab.

But one thing I miss deep in my heart, is a family. I have never known my family and whether I have brothers and sisters. Hopefully I will get to know about that someday.

Tomorrow is a big day, we will have to take an exam that will determine our job on Spongecury. I'm feeling really nervous and spent the whole day studying. Suddenly the door opens, Sophia storms inside and starts jumping on my bed. In a hurry to get off my bed, I bump my finger. "Ouch!"

"What?", Sophia asks.

I answer, "You know you have to watch out with what you do, my whole finger is open!"


Sometimes I think Sophia has even more energy than possible. She asks, "Do you already know what you're going to wear tomorrow? You know that's really important."

It doesn't make any sense that she thinks it matters what you wear, but fashion is one of the most important things to her. She says, "I hope you haven't forgotten they pay attention to everything, your stress level, amount of pauses... Everything! They will pay attention to what we wear for sure."

I don't believe they will pay attention to our clothing, but I'm not going to tell her that. Learning everything is way more important than planning the outfit.

"So... What are you going to wear?", Sophia asks.

I say, "Do you really want to know? I'm going to wear jeans, my favourite sweater and I'm going to tie my awful red hair in a bun."

"You really shouldn't tie your hair into a bun, the colour is too beautiful for that. I'm going to wear my favourite dress."

"Okay, but I really should learn the last thing before I go to bed, maybe you should also do that."

"Maybe you're right about that" and she storms out of my room.


In five minutes the exam starts. For this occasion there was an extensive breakfast, you could almost say it was a three course dinner.

The exam takes ten hours, from eight am to four pm. Taking a pause is at your own risk, you don't want to not finish your exam. 

I walk into the lecture room, everybody is wishing each other good luck. Nerves are visible everywhere.

On each table, there is a tablet, it looks like a new model, the cyborgs probably made it. Looking at the timer, it's almost time for the exam to start.

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