Chapter 20: Resistance

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Ze-Ro was stomping upstairs, but then the door knocked once more.

Ze-Ro: Gah! Now what!?

Ze-Ro stomped over to the door and opened it with a fierce energy after being embarrassed.

Ze-Ro: What!

Ze-Ro grew quiet as he saw who was at his front door step. A familiar green alien, who looked a bit roughed up.

Gaaraxis: Hey boo, I'm back, can we chat?

The shock made him jump and immediately go on the offensive.

Ze-Ro: The assassin!

All the gems in the house bared there weapons and powers.

Gaaraxis put his hands up.

Gaaraxis: Woah woah woah! Let's simmer down huh? Hands are up and I have no intention to be a bad boy.

Ze-Ro put him in a headlock.

Ze-Ro: And we should trust you why?

Gaaraxis: I didn't even kill anyone last time I was here! Besides I have a new client that's put me in a new line of work that pays WAY better than my previous work.

Ze-Ro looked over towards Steven.

Steven looked conflicted, but he noticed that Gaaraxis was covered in cuts and bruises.

Steven: You look pretty banged up.

Gaaraxis: Oh thanks for noticing, this rather tight headlock is doing WONDERS!

Ze-Ro took the hint and eased up a little.

Steven: You can let him go Z.

Ze-Ro: Are you sure?

Steven: If he wanted a fight, he would've snuck up on us or something g lone last time. Or at least brought a weapon.

Ze-Ro sighed and let Gaaraxis go.

Gaaraxis: Wow such firm muscles.

Ze-Ro: Just, go take a seat and stay there. Steven might take pity on you, but I won't.

Gaaraxis sat down on the sofa. Steven locked his hand.

Steven: Do you mind if I?

Gaaraxis: Oh go ahead, I know about those healing powers of yours.

Steven lathered some spit on his arm, and Garaxis's wounds healed.

Gaaraxis: Wow, that's some high end stuff. You even think about selling your healing spit? You'd make a pretty penny.

Steven: I, don't know about that. But let's get to the point. Why are you here. Please understand our suspicions.

Gaaraxis: Oh trust me I get it. I chose money over ethics and blah blah blah. But like I said, I've found new work as a hired gun.

Ze-Ro: Isn't that just the same thing?

Gaaraxis: No! I now work for one guy and I occasionally shoot enemies.

Ze-Ro: That, doesn't help.

Gaaraxis: Okay fine it's similar. But hey I'm working with the good guys now.

Steven: What good guys?

Gaaraxis: My new clients, the resistance of Tsar-Fuhr.

Ze-Ro: WHAT!?

The sudden outburst from Ze-Ro made everyone jump.

Gaaraxis: Yep. No need to get TO excited big boy.

Steven: You know those guys?

Steven Universe Male Gem Story: Project Red Diamond (Oc X Lapis Lazuli) Where stories live. Discover now