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Some time had passed. Two days to be specific, but it had felt like years to Naruto, who had been split apart from his love, the only woman he could ever except as a partner.

Sakura had been avoiding Naruto like the plague, which only made things worse. The ache wasn't going away, nothing would heal it, and Naruto was getting tired. Tired of life, tired of pretending things were okay. Pretending. Pretending. Pretending.

It was all an act: his smile, his laughter, th light in his eyes. And no one seemed to catch on. At least, everyone except for Sasuke and Hinata were oblivious oblivious Naruto's anguish.

To cheer himself up, Naruto was going to work extra! He was so excited! No off-days for him this week. Not with how high rent was this month. It seemed his landlord had something against him, always raising rates and complaining about how sloppy Naruto was. Naruto didn't get much time to clean, and when he did, it wasn't much, so his house was a little messy, but it was fine. You could still tell it was a house, and that's what mattered. But it bothered his landlord more than it should.

Now, sitting atop the roof with Sasuke during lunch period, he felt the need to voice his issues, to tell someone of his struggles, but he didn't want to seem like he was seeking for pity. No, he didn't want anyone's pity or sympathy, all he wished for was someone to listen to his problems, to let him rant. And who better for that than his best friend, Sasuke Uchiha?

Naruto sat down his bento box, sighing. He had packed rice and tuna. That was it. That was all he would eat the whole day, likely. He wouldn't be home until late, and by then he wouldn't feel like cooking.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked, glancing sideways at the blond.

"Other than my lack of a girlfriend?" Naruto murmured, rolling his eyes. "Well let's see. My landlord raised rent, that I'm behind on, i have to work extra this week, I've not got much food left for the month, and I'm not sure what to do anymore..."

A long pause stretched between the two, making Naruto glance at Sasuke, whose lips were pursed, almost as if he were in thought. Which wasn't uncommon.

"Well," Sasuke began, then paused again, looking off into the distance. "I had an idea come to me a little while back, just a few days ago actually."

Naruto perked up. "I'm all ears!" If Sasuke, the smartest man—other than Shikamaru—that Naruto knew was willing to give advice, then who was Naruto to refuse?

Sasuke cleared his throat before looking away awkwardly. "Well, you could always come live...with me..."

This time, the pause stretched further between them, an awkward silence placed atop their heads. Naruto wasn't sure what to say. The idea was foreign an strange, not quite settling into his brain yet. He couldn't comprehend the idea.


Sasuke shook his head. "It's whatever. Nevermind..."

"Live with you? I mean, sure, I'll make sure to help pay for food....I should be able to keep at least one of my jobs. You have five extra rooms in your house, so if you get tired of me I can move to one further away..." Naruto wouldn't mind living with Sasuke, but he still couldn't understand the full scope of it. He wasn't able to think of all the cons and pros, only of the fact he would be nearer to Sasuke and he wouldn't have to pay rent, as Sasuke owned his house.

Looking up sharply, Sasuke said, "Oh. Okay. It's settled then..." He seemed to be searching Naruto's face for any doubt, but there wasn't any that Naruto knew of.

He didn't doubt or regret agreeing to it, but the whole situation seemed hazy, as if he couldn't wrap his mind around the offer.

Why would someone want him to live with them? He was messy, loud, and obnoxious.

Poor Sasuke, having to put up with Naruto.

This would be hell for the boy.


With work and school, moving in took two weeks. During those two weeks, Naruto refused to look at, speak to, or even think of Sakura. He needed to preoccupy his mind with tasks. With so many on hand, it was easy to do.

Naruto and Sasuke spent plenty of time together as well. Their days were interesting, to say the least.

The only people who knew Naruto was going to live with Sasuke was Hinata and Shikamaru, two of Naruto's closest friends.

How they had found out was a funny story.

Hinata, Shikamaru, and Naruto sat together in the library, a small one on the outskirts of town, almost in the middle of nowhere. Hinata was reading, Shikamaru was staring into space, and Naruto was texting Sasuke about their plans for tomorrow.

"Who are you talk to?" Shikamaru asked, narrowing his eyes at Naruto. "I know you don't have another lover yet. So who's that?"

Naruto flinched. "Harsh, but touché. It's Sasuke. I was wondering what we were doing tonight."

Hinata glanced up at this, smiling. "Oh? You make it sound as if you spend your days together at every opportunity. As if you're always together."

"I've noticed they have been hanging out more often then not," Shikamaru added, glancing at Hinata.

"It's not that big of a deal. He's helping me move."

He had said it without thinking, an automatic response. Now, there was no going back.

"Move?" The two asked in sync.

Again, Naruto flinched. "Ah, yes. I was..." Naruto couldn't decide if he should lie or not, but as he thought about it, he decided their was no use. He opted for the truth. "I was struggling financially do Sasuke offered me a room in his house..."

Silence, then, "Oh." Shikamaru blinked slowly, clearly processing the words. "Ok then. Makes sense."

Hinata smiled. "I hope it works out well for you!"

"Thanks, me too..."

Afterwards, he told his landlord he would be moving out and paying on the first, as always. He would no longer be in debt. Which was good.

His landlord's response had been, "Whatever."

So much for that.

Now, all that was left was grabbing a few items from Naruto's beside table. Since the blond didn't own much, it didn't take much to move things, but they had to request assistance from their teacher, and Sasuke's neighbor, Kakashi. He had lended them his truck.

It helped a lot.

As Naruto stood in the doorway of his now-old home, he sighed, feeling content ith himself.

Whatever may come, things should be easier from here on out.

He hoped.

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