Chapter Thirty

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"The first thing you should know about mirror image is that it's always the opposite of what it seams,"Mark said, with the assured certainty and the intellectual sagacity he was always know to exude. He stood proudly as he presented what the teacher told us to research on. Mark is the smartest, always on top no One could drag it with him . Trust me I have been trying since kindergarten but am still in second place. And the kid is dumb probably got it from his brother, Twins gifts I think.

I raised my hand and asked him to expatiate on that, We always do this to One another anytime we present,he gave me his sardonic smile. "You see?No I don't think you see anything. Imagine you are standing in  front of a mirror, the reflection is that of yourself, right?Troy, it's a reflection of you not you. Okay. Now , raise your right hand...what hand is raised in the mirror?It appears it's the right hand ,but it is actually the left hand in the mirror that is raised. Your right hand would only be seen as right hand in the mirror after you turn back to the mirror, and then you can't see it. It is not as confusing as it sounds. Just look carefully into the mirror and see."

I understood what he was talking about, but am not sure if other members of the class did.Mark and his infinite capacity for jokes was another thing that I found irresistible.


My brothers alongside the twins had established a tradition over the years, we almost always had lunch together. The tradition kind of developed over time largely because we grew up together and always around each other. And since we were close it made sense .

"What's wrong with you?"Mark said as we sat down at the cafeteria waiting for the rest.

"Am getting fed up of the whole Blakely and Travis fight, couldn't even take breakfast because of them" I complained.

Lately Blakely and Travis tend to fight everytime they meet more than they used to, not like she spared the rest of us , she still face us once in a while but her main target is  Travis.Honestly she's just sad about her best friends drifting apart that's why she's taking it out on everyone, she is just hurt.

"She's quite feisty, I love the drama"He said with a devilish smile

"Of course you would, devil spawn"I said then sip my juice.

"Sup fellas "Mike greated as he and the rest came towards us.

"Took you guys forever "Mark stated

"Well , what can I say just another episode of Travis and Blakely "Tristan said with a smile

"Should you be smiling"?Mike asked with a serious face

"Should he be crying then"Mark replied.

"Ohh fuck you Mark"Mike said giving him the finger

"No thanks, that's incest "Mark said grinning

"Shut up, you both bicker like old married couples" Trevor said stopping them before it escalate.

"Hello Walton quads, ohh hey there the British twins are back"Kylo said coming towards our seat making me groan out in annoyance.

"What do you want? Travis asked uninterested.

"Can't I just sit with my pals"He said grabbing a seat beside Mark.

We just ignored him and continue eating with occasionally bickering between the twins and Trevor trying to steal everyone's food.

"Travis"a familiar voice called making me roll my eyes in disgust."I missed you"Bianca leader of the popular girls or more of the  Sluts of the school,She sleeps with boys like a game. I wonder how she never gets pregnant or maybe sick with some sexual disease

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