Chapter Twenty Eight

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Blakely's  POV

"It was so fun, we went to the beach and went to this restaurant mainly for Sea food. It was the Best date"I told Meemee jumping happily.

"Am glad things turned out well Bakie , haven't seen you this giddy in a while " She Said pulling me into a hug

"I know right, he is so handsome and kind ....."

"Yes Bakie, he sure is . Are you hungry?"Meemee asked

"No , I already ate"I said smiling as I recall our time at the restaurant"Mom, What about Theo and Mia, have they settled their dispute "

"I don't think so Lovebug, but don't dwell on that. They would settle their difference soon"Meemee said with  concern

"I hope so "I responded slightly sad"Where is Blake?"

"He's sleeping, tomorrow is Monday "

"Ohkay, am going upstairs "

"Good night Bakie "

"Night "


Whilst I Walk up stairs, I checked my phone for any messages from my best friends but there was none. I even called but none of them pick up.

I sighed, I know I overreacted , but then for the past days everything was just so different the whole thing was complicated. We argued a lot, we hardly hangout, we don't even call to gist. It was like I don't know what happening in their life, which is unfair. Because they literally know everything.

It so sad when you're best friends aren't here to talk about your date.

Maybe we would be cool tomorrow


"Wtf"I yelled out as I switch on the light to my room, seeing my Stepbrothers lurking in my room.

Travis was just staring at my cosmetics boredly , Trevor was trying my shoes , Tristan was playing a game on his phone while lying on my bed with his shoes on and Troy just woke up due to my loud voice .

"What are you guys doing, I don't even want to know just get down from my bed "I said but obviously nobody listens in this house

"Did you guys had sex?"Trevor said

"What the hell, you don't go around asking that Trevor"I said rolling my eyes but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Did he ask you to wear that"Tristan said

"What do people wear at the beach, for goodness sake" I said angrily

"You could have worn , something less reveling"Troy muttered

"My breast isn't the first he has seen"I said.
I really don't know why we are having this conversation, they do shit more than me, I didn't even do anything.

"So you showed him your breast?"Travis asked this time around with his loud voice making me gulped fearfully.

"Oh God no , I was just being sarcastic. Come on nothing happened we just kissed"

"You what"The yelled , fuck my tap mouth.

"I...we...a..m."I tried to form a word but failed.

"You know what, just consider it the last time you would be seeing any guys, no more date !!!!, No more boys!!! do you understand"Travis barked out.

"Fuck y'all, Fuck all the protective bullshit,  I would do what I want. You can't fucking rule me"I yelled  tears already streaming down my face."Why do you ever care Travis, I thought you hate me. Can't you just be fucking real  for once, Oh God I fucking hate you the most"I yelled out hitting his chest repeatedly.

"I don't care Blakely, You aren't seeing him again"He said then walked out of my room

"YOU ARE FUCKING HEARTLESS TRAVIS" I shouted after he left breaking down more.

"Are you alright?"Troy asked with concern coming towards me.

I have never cried in front of any of them, but everything just hit  hard. The fight with my best friends and my stepbrothers trying to control my life.

"Am fucking dandy isn't obvious" I replied with a fake smile " don't you dare come any closer I swear I would rip out your intestines"I seethed through clenched teeth

"Great,  Thanks to Travis we got the Angry Blakely"Tristan said still trying to come closer.

"I swear she needs to attend one of those mental health classes, maybe see a therapist "Trevor said with a worried look.

"Shit, Blakely. Breath, look at me"I don't know who was saying that, my vision was getting blurry, everyone voice was so distanced.  I couldn't breathe, my chest felt heavy already at the verge of a panic attack. I could feel hands rubbing my back trying to calm, another person instructing me  on how to breathe.

"Hu..rr.ts"I managed to say clutching my chest tighter.

"I know Blakely, Breathe 1,2,3 come on you can do it. Trevor please call Travis" The person was saying but it was so hard to concentrate, I was going deeper in the dark abyss.

"Please.. make.i.ttt.sttt.op"

"Blakely, Look at me try to breathe along with me"A familiar voice was saying

"Yes , you can do it. Breath, am right here. Am with you Ohkay "


"I know right, but you can do it. Be strong for your brothers. Breath "

"Ohkay "

After a few breathing practice, I was able to stop the attack. I looked around noticing my environment, I was sitting on the floor with my stepbrothers surrounding me.

"You good"Travis asked

"Mhmm, tired "I said sleepy

"Alright then, Let's get you to bed"he said picking me up I didn't even have the energy to struggle. He dropped me softly on the bed.

"Tristan please check for a pyjamas top "I said as I place her gently on the bed. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping.

"Here"he said handing me a top. I wore the top for her then covered her with a blanket

"Should I turn on the A.C?"Trevor asked

"Yes "

"That was scary"Troy said with a concerned look .

We were so scared, for about 15 minutes before we could stop her panic attacks, it was so painful to watch. The painful thing is that I caused this, I should have talk to her calmly. Am a boy I know what boys want with innocent girl and moreover we don't even know anything about the guy . He is just the new attractive guy everyone wants to get close to.

"Shouldn't we tell Our parents about it"Tristan said.

"I don't know, She wouldn't want them knowing this?"I replied nobody is ever comfortable letting everyone know their struggles.

"Am sorry Blakely"I muttered inwardly removing her hair away from her face.

"Well, she's pretty when she isn't a bitching"Trevor said and we chuckled.

"Let her sleep then, we also need to sleep it's quite late"Troy said.

We glanced at her one last time before leaving her room.


I don't hate, quite the opposite. She's like a sister I finally had, I want to protect her just as much as I protect my brothers. But I just have a fucked up way of showing someone I care for them.

I sighed, rolling on the bed unable to sleep.

"Having trouble sleeping?"Tristan asked as he entered my room.
He is the only one that understand me.


"Wanna play a game"


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