393 18 14

song: i wish you love - laufey

"What the fuck is this."

Exactly a week has passed since the first date. However, just before the two parted from their first date, Aventurine gently whispered in [Name]'s ear to arrive on the location he gave, as he handed them a small card with an address written on it. Except, it wasn't actually an address. It was only just directions from the restaurant they were in. As if he tried to conceal the location as a surprise.

"What do you mean 'what the fuck is this'? It's our date location of course!" he grinned.

"Yeah, I know that. I mean, what the fuck is this? You're telling me we are going on our second date to Clock Studios Theme Park..?"

"And what, did you think I was going to take you to restaurants every week? How boring is that! Dates are meant to be enjoyable!"

"..I didn't buy all those dresses/suits just for 1 date. I should be spending my free time doing something more productive, not going to theme parks..!" they said. "I specifically said to take me to places like restaurants!"

"Did you? Hmm, well I don't remember! We're here, so you might as well spend some time here! I'll buy the tickets and the food, so don't worry."

"What a drag.. fine. But no more theme parks after this!"

"Haha, sure!" he beamed, grabbing [Nane]'s hand. He had a pure smile on his face. One you would see a child have on their birthday. A child who has lived the purest childhood with love surrounding them. His soft cheeks faded to a rosy pink and formed smile lines from the corners of his mouth.

"H-hey, stop tugging on my arm! I'm coming!" they yelled. No matter how badly they didn't want to go to the theme park, they couldn't bear to see the innocent gleeful smile on his face be shattered.

"Hey look at this! It's the Hamster Ball Knight! We can make our own movie! What do you say we see who can make the movie the fastest?" he asked with a cunning smirk.

"Always trying to make everything a competition, aren't you? Sure, but you owe me 15,000 credits if I'm quicker!"

"Ha! Sure, and you owe me 30,000 if I am quicker!"

"H-hey, that's not fair-" but they couldn't finish their sentence as Aventurine had already started his movie and couldn't let him get any extra seconds ahead, credits were on the line here.

The two were so fully concentrated, they didn't even communicate once during the session, determined to beat the other. The only sound that could be heard is the repetitive mashing of the flip button, carefully avoiding the opponents and obstacles and trying to trigger as many 'Turbo Dashes' as possible.

Until finally, it all ended and a winner was declared.

"HA! I beat you, now hand over the credits," [Name] boasted, gesturing their hand for Aventurine to give them credits.

"Fine, fine," he said, handing the credits over. [Name] felt a bit of satisfaction from the date here as they managed to earn some sort of reward, as they immediately stuffed the coins in their bag, ensuring they don't fall out.

"I see another attraction over there. This time I'll beat you and make sure the score becomes 1-1!" he said, running off ahead.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆 | : ̗̀➛ 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now