25. I Hate You

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Jeonghan's Pov: 

I leaned on my recliner, a subtle smile playing on my lips. It has been a week since the day we watched the meteor shower but I still wasn't over it, the thing was I never wanted to get over it. Everything about that day was beautiful, minus the part where seungcheol made me worried sick by faking his accident. But he had compensated it well enough with all that he did that day. To say that I was satisfied would be an understatement. His sweet words bubbled a fuzzy feeling inside of me, even when I knew that he said it merely out of guilt. He just wanted to make me feel better, that's it. There was nothing more to it and I should always remember that.  

Anyways, ignoring all those stuff. There is one more good thing that has happened, our constant desire to kill each other was gone now. There is a mutual understanding between us and we are a lot more...civil than before. To say that we're good friends would be a bit too much, yes we were on good terms but not that much. We still constantly bicker, and fight over stupid things, and yes I still find him a pain in my ass but I guess that's just who we are. And it wasn't going to change.


I broke out of my thoughts and glanced towards the source of the voice, it was Jun, my manager. I gestured him to enter the office. "I think we'll need to cancel the deal with the brand Xenna." He sighed as he massaged his temples. I frowned. "Why?" "The CEO of that brand is rumoured to be in a side business of drug dealing , as a result his reputation and sales has dropped drastically." I hummed in reponse. "If thats the case then we should terminate the deal, it won't be good for our image to work with such a person." I said. He nodded as he looked down on his ipad. "Then shall I confirm the deal with Louis Vuitton, now that your schedule is a bit free now?"

"Yes." I replied. "Is there anything else left for today?"

"Nope. All done." He smiled. "Good." I grinned as I got ready to leave. 


I parked my car in the garage and walked towards my house and I felt the familiar weird sensation I felt that day with Soo-yun. The feeling that someone was watching me. I jerked my head behind, hoping to see someone behind the bushes. But just like last time, there was no one. I carefully scanned the whole area but there was no traces of anyone else. I shook my head. Since when did I became so paranoid? 

Seungcheol's Pov:

I stared at the laptop screen blankly, my mind wandering off somewhere else. There was a thought which was growing inside my head since the day I left USA, at first it was a random thought that I shrugged off but now that seed of doubt was growing in a full tree.

"what's wrong?" A sudden voice startled me. "What the-" 

"Jeonghan? When did you came?" I scrunched my eyebrows. "Took you long enough to notice me." He said, lazily biting a chocolate. He was already dressed in his comfy clothes and his hairs were slightly wet from a recent shower which means he entered the house long ago and I didn't even noticed him? damn, guess I was really caught up in my thoughts. "So? whats the matter?" He asked as he plopped himself beside me.

"what do you mean?" He rolled his eyes, taking another bit of his chocolate. "I can clearly see you zoning out like a ghost and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is bothering you, so hurry up and tell me."  

"Its related to work, you won't understand." I said hesitantly. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "I think you're forgetting that I used be one step ahead of you in academics all throughout my life, so if you're suggesting that I'm dumb to understand your problem then you better reconsider it." He scoffed.

I bit back a chuckle. "You never know when to give up do you?" I said. He shrugged in response. I pondered for a moment before spilling all that's bothering me to him. "I think, something's up with my department and they're hiding it from me." I glanced at jeonghan to see he was intently listening with a serious face so I continued. "I've been feeling this way since the day I was given this huge leave by wonwoo, I know he did this because he genuinely cares for me and wanted me to rest but I think there was more to it..which he didn't tell me. Because why send me here? Away from them? When I could've rested and recovered there in US too?"

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