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Radha Maheshwari, on the other hand, was a confident and independent woman who had dedicated her life to teaching. She had a strong personality and a no-nonsense attitude towards life. She had no time for frivolous pursuits like love and relationships, and had never been attracted to any man.



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Radha Maheshwari was a woman burdened with responsibilities. As the eldest of three siblings, she took on the role of caregiver for her younger brother and sister, as well as her ailing mother. Despite the challenges life had thrown her way, 

Radha remained strong and determined to provide for her family.

One fateful day, as Radha was crossing the road on her way home from work, she was struck by a speeding car. 

The driver, none other than Maan Oberoi, was in a rush to get to the hospital to see his sick mother. Their eyes met in a moment of chaos and confusion, and before either of them knew it, they were engaged in a heated argument.

Maan, a successful businessman known for his ruthless ambition, was not used to being challenged. 

But Radha was no pushover either. She stood her ground, refusing to back down in the face of his aggression. As they exchanged harsh words, Radha couldn't help but notice the pain in Maan's eyes, hidden beneath his tough exterior.

Intrigued by Radha's defiance, Maan instructed his assistant to find out more about her. What he discovered only deepened his fascination. 

Radha Maheshwari, a dedicated teacher struggling to make ends meet, was a woman of strength and resilience. Her commitment to her family and her unwavering determination to overcome adversity struck a chord within Maan, awakening a desire he had long suppressed.

Meanwhile, Radha found herself at a crossroads in her own life. Unbeknownst to her, Maan Oberoi's assistant had approached her with a job offer from Maan's prestigious company. 

Desperate for financial stability after losing her teaching position, Radha hesitantly accepted the offer, unaware of the role Maan himself played in her newfound opportunity.

Radha was in a state of financial crisis. Her teaching job had been her lifeline, but when she got fired.

That's when she stumbled upon an ad for a personal assistant position. The salary was more than generous, and the ad promised a luxurious lifestyle and exciting opportunities. Desperate and with no other options, Radha decided to apply for the position soon Maan assistant told her that we are in need of personal assistant and you are hired.

All the best for your first day In office.

Author update !!!

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