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Note:- Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. So first of all i want you to relax and not think about Tommoro since tomorrow is 12 class result. I want you to know that, you did your best my dear and its okay if the hardwork you did, bit you didn't get the satisfactory result. I love you all so much so don't worry my dears just know I'm always there with you and will always make you smile. 

And know that, this are only some small exams (doesn't mean they are not important, they are yes but in front of life no) your life and destiny will take more hard exams of your so don't worry much dears. It doesn't matter if you fail, stand up and go again just know you don't fail unless you give up. So STAND UP AGAIN AND AGIN cause i will be there every time you fall, will steady you so don't worry and go fly in the sky so hing that you don't have to look back.

And please tell me if you feel down, I'm not a talker but am a patient listner darlings so please it doesn't matter what if you need someone to talk just know I'm here for you

I'm very very proud of you💜

I'm with you in your every step💗

Love you dears



Ch 3

Vegas is ready to see the worst, even the world end, but not his son and nephew doing IT. But he steadies himself and pushes the door completely open with a bang.

He knows he should not feel proud of the kid's quick response to the loud voice. However, he does feel a little proud of how Pai quickly covers Vencie's body with a blanket and points a gun at the door while he Is still in bed. Venice, too. He is on his stomach, pointing a gun in the direction of the door.


"Hey P-Pops." Both kids say with hesitation in their voice.

Kinn takes a deep breath and walks to the right side of Vegas. Soon, Pete and Porsche follow one step behind. They can clearly see Venice's upper body, but Venice clutches the blanket tightly at his chest. Pai is also on the bed just beside him. A blanket is covering his lower body, too, eyes full of fear and guilt. For a moment, Porsche takes a double-take since Pai can't sit still even for a second.

"So what is going on here?" Vegas asks very calmly.

"We- umm, we were just. Ammm, you see... We-" Venice tries to say something, but he can't form a sentence.

Vegas feels like someone shot him in the heart. It feels hollow to see his son and Nephew being so scared of them that they can't even form a sentence. It's the first time he sees his son's raw emotion in his eyes. He sees shame, guilt and self-doubt in his son's and nephew's eyes. Vegas knows he isn't the only one to notice when he feels a squeeze on his hand. He doesn't even need to move his eyes to understand it's Kinn. He slowly breathes out and asks the kid softly, "Can you explain this? We won't be mad at you."

Prapai and Venice's eyes snap towards Vegas, but he notices that their eyes are still heated. He tries to think of something, but Porsche beats him to it.

"You know, you both are young, and mistakes happen to everyone."

"Hmm, and it's not like it's permanent. It might have happened because you two are always with each other," Pete says sadly.

"Thank you," Venice says softly.

"Thank you for understanding, Dad. We promise it- it happened in the heat of the moment, and it was all my fault I-I"

"NO, it was my fault," Ven immediately glares at Pai.

Kinn finds it a bit amusing that both of them are trying to take the blame, but it also makes his heart a bit sad to think that the kids think they will get punished.

"You know it happens when hormones do things, but don't worry as long as it doesn't happen again. You can tell us if you feel unsafe or unstable." As Kinn says it, Porsche, Pete and Vegas look at him like he has grown a second head, and Vegas pushes him in the side.

"Anyways, the first rule is to not get rough with your partner till they ask for it, and the second is to stop when they say stop." It takes everything in Vegas not to dig a hole and jump in, but he is also a father. Even if he wants to kill himself, he will do it after giving them a piece of his mind and absolutely not because of his bottom. No, nope, Vegas focus.

"Wait, wait, wait, Dad. Uncle Vegas, can I ask what you mean?" Pai asks with a confused face.

Pete sighs, gathers his confidence and says, "Kids, we know things like this can happen. There's no need to panic. We can all sort it out tomorrow. And Vegas is right. I think you need to ask for your partner's permission if you want to get rough."

The four parents see Venice's face twist in disgust. Suddenly, he hears Pai shouting as he falls from the bed.

"FUCK, why the hell did you kick me?"

"They misunderstood, you mutt," Venice growls.

"What?" Pai asks.

"Kids, it's okay. We are not making-" Porsche tries to interpret, but Ven cuts him off.

"Dad, what do you think we were doing?" Ven ask with a look.

"You-you two, umm, you were," Vegas starts. He tries to finish the sentence but still has some self-respect. So, he pushes his older cousin forward.

"Well, you two were doing it rough?" Kinn eventually says with an awkward smile. Pete and Porsche facepalm, and Vegas regrets his decision.



Two shouts could be heard instantly.

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