Ch.15 Tension in The Air

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Hello guys and welcome to the longest chapter yet. I used my favorite chapters as inspiration for this one. Sadley this chapter falls flat for me. I tried to include to many plot points so I'll do better in the future. Also, there's a new writing thing in here. When <insert name> shows up its them talking. This was added so multiple characters can talk back to back without it being hard to follow. Enjoy!

~Catnap pov~

Dogday, answer your phone please. I thought we had something special, then you ghost not just me but everyone for three days. All the other Critters said Dogday had been avoiding them and not responding to messages. This all happened after the chat with Sean so maybe he would know. I pulled out my phone and called him.

Cn: Hey Sean.

Sn: Hey, what's up?

Cn: Two things. First, has Dogday talked to you recently? Second, do you know why he's ghosting everyone?

Sn: The answer is no to both those questions. Maybe ask his brother.

Cn: Not a bad idea at all. Ok, bye, and I'll probably see you again.

I hung up before he could say anything back. Damn I'm a nosy ass bitch right now, but I just fell for this guy and this is not ok. I started to message Sunny.

Cn: Hey Sunny do you know why Dogday has been distant lately?

Sunny: It doesn't involve you Catnap just leave him alone.

Cn: Is it that Ray person? Ever since that name came up he hasn't been talking.

Sunny: Stop Catnap seriously or you're going to regret it.

It is that Ray guy! Who is he? Also, Sunny must be in this too due to the weird ass messages. Ok time to get the others and confront him head on.

~Dogday pov~

I've been running this track nonstop for about 10 minutes now. I can't stop though because these thoughts won't go away. If Ray does get out, how am I supposed to deal with him? I need to protect Catnap and the others so forgetting about them is the best... no, only option. Fuck I'm tired, ok time to change.

Damn, I hate this locker room. It smells like sweaty feet. 16, 43, 24 and opened, now I can get all my stuff. Let's go, I still have some body wash in here. I guess a shower isn't too bad since no one comes in here at this time anyways. For a school locker room, I've got to admit that this shower isn't too bad. Normally I wouldn't use this, but dang do I smell and no one wants to be smelling that. "LISTEN TO ME." What's that?

I walked up to the wall and could hear voices on the other side talking. There's a small opening up there to let out steam so I jumped and pulled myself up. What, why is dad talking with the vice principal. "It's simple, get him out of here and away from my son and I'll give you the $2k." What is dad doing? "Ok, you've got yourself a deal Solar." Shit! I slipped and fell onto the floor making a loud noise. I need to hide and fast. Ok, there's a spot behind the towel dispenser that only us guys know about. I hid back there and could barely see out a small crack.

I saw dad run in with his taser out. "I know you're in here. Come out, I just want to ask you some questions." I watched as he looked around and then went into the showers. The V.P. walked in and asked, "So is everything good?" "Someone heard, this shower is wet and the head is still dripping water. Sorry Devon but the deal is off." I heard the V.P. argue with him as they both left the room. What is dad up to? It's probably just some student at school he's trying to bust, yeah, that's it Dogday. I waited a good five minutes then put on my clothes and got out of there.

I was walking through the halls to get to the parking lot where my car is when Catnap walked out and blocked my way. You're not that smart Kitty because I can just go another way. I turned around to see Bubba and Kicken blocking me, this was a planned attack by them. Bubba walked towards me, "You're not leaving until you tell us what's up with you." As if I'm telling you guys, it will only get you hurt. I turned back around hoping to run by Catnap but Picky was blocking me now too.

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