Ch.6.5 Dogday's Interagation

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Thank you as always to @DefinitlyAFurry for editing these and working double time to edit this and Ch.7. Sorry again for the delay and my schedule hasn't changed. Ch.7 will still be released on time.

~Dogday pov~

He *sniffle* really hates me. How am I supposed to call myself his best friend when I betrayed his trust? I... I really liked him too, but now he'll never like me back. "Hello? You there Dogday? Hello kid, come on I know your sad, but I need you to talk to me." Wait what? When did someone get here and sit down? I wiped away my tears and saw a white cat with blue and green eyes.

"Seems I finally got your attention." The cat said with a big smile. He then said he got me some stuff and pointed down. There was water, chips, and some candy. "Th..thank you" I said, still sort of crying. "It's no problem, I'm Spencer by the way. I've heard about you from the chief and you seem like a good kid. So how about you tell me what's going on and in return I'll help you with the problem." I gave him a big smile and agreed to those terms.

*Dogday Explains Everything*

"And then he said he hates me and hopes I die," I could feel myself on the verge of tears again. Spencer was about to say something but stopped. It looked like he was thinking on how to word what he was about to say right. "Dogday you did the right thing." I was shocked to hear that and wanted to interject but I let him continue. "Catnap is just taking time to process everything that's happening, that's all. I mean his family will learn what has happened to him and he has to deal with the change and that's scary." I thanked him and said he was probably right. He laughed and said he knows he is. "How do you know Spencer?"

He said something similar but not nearly as bad happened between him and his partner when they were dating. I started blushing, "Me and Catnap aren't dating Spencer." "Oh really? You two sound like love birds to me. Well anyways like I was saying me and my then boyfriend, Sergio, had been going out for 2 months. He was closeted and was scared of coming out, so one night when I was spending the night I grabbed him and kissed him." I yelled at him and said that's so mean and wrong. Spencer just shrugged and said he knew it was the right thing to do even if it felt bad in the moment. Apparently, Sergio was mad at him for about a month before they got back together. "And now we're married so yeah it will be fine." That really put it into the light for me that Catnap will probably forgive me one day.

"Thanks Spencer, can I give you a hug?" He agreed and thanked me for actually listening to him ramble. As I was hugging Spencer, I heard the door slam open. *Bang* My ears started ringing and my vision went blurry. It took about two seconds until I could see and feel the bl... "Oh my god Spencer!"

Sorry for the delay guys, but I worked double time on this. I wrote it all then deleted it, so I was thinking it wasn't going to be out till tomorrow, but then I remembered the script for this one is super short, so I just rewrote it in like 2 hours. And now you will have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens in the ending of arc 1.

A New Life (Catnap X Dogday)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora