Ch.6 Thoughts and Actions

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WARNING: Rape and Abuse

Thank you, my beautiful boyfriend @DefinitlyAFurry for editing this :3 It feels like forever since ch.5, but that was only 2 days ago 🤣. Well enjoy everyone! Oh and 🐈 means graphic Scene.

~Dogday pov~

"Catnap, I'm sorry." Catnap is still looking out the window and not answering me. I've been crying non-stop since he told me to go to hell. "Please Catnap, talk to me. I just wanted to help, but you would..." "Help, you think this is helping? How about you shut the fuck up Dogday, I think that would help." I started crying even louder and could feel myself losing control of my mind.

Catnap continued his attack on me. "You know Dogday you were the first person in a long time I actually trusted. But then you pulled this shit you prick. I hope you roll over and die." I couldn't take this anymore. I felt like I was going to die of dehydration from how much water was leaving my eyes.

~Catnap pov~

That dirty mutt is a good for nothing asshole just like everyone else. "We're here." Solar said as they opened the doors to the cop car. They led Dogday in through a different entrance than me. Oh fuck, what am I going to tell the cops... there's no way I can do this. Just then, I saw my dad being taken and walked to an interrogation room. He looked over and saw me being walked by Solar. "Hey kiddo, what happened? Do you know what's up? They took me and Katt in and your sister is in the hall." Why are they here? They did nothing wrong, they don't deserve this, only that ho Katt does.

I saw my dad look at my throat and neck which were still exposed from Solar pulling down my hood. "Catnap, who did that to you? Tell me son, I swear I will get them." "Sir this is an investigation and right now you aren't allowed to ask your son anything." Solar sounds scary when he's in work mode. My dad was taken to the room to be questioned and Solar walked me to another room. Now that dad and maybe even Lunar are involved I need to come clean. Solar told me that a detective would come to talk with me soon. As he was about to leave, I felt scared. "Can you be the one I talk to?" Solar told me he'll see what he can do and exited the room.

~Solar pov~

That poor boy, he's been through so much. So has Dogday though, he was crying a lot when he and Catnap were taken for questioning; saying he was sorry and to forgive him. Did he break his trust somehow? I should go speak with him. Shit, but Catnap asked to speak with me. What to do... I'm sorry son, but I need to be unbiased and help the person who needs it more right now.

"Detectives, could you get someone to speak with my son? Catnap has personally asked to speak with me so I'm going to follow up on that." Both of the detectives nodded and told me I need to speak with Katt first. Apparently, she asked to speak to a higher up.

"Why hello officer, how is this fine night treating you." "It's Chief Solar, and it's fine. I was told by my detectives that you wanted to speak to a higher up, is that correct Katt." She said it was and started to go on about her day. "Ma'am, that's not why you're here. Can I ask you some questions?" "Am I being detained?" I told her yes she was until further notice, she replied saying "I won't speak without my lawyer then." I got a little annoyed because she just wasted my time.

As I was walking to the room that held Catnap, I saw Officer Spencer talking with my son. I'm happy they decided to get a kinder officer to speak with him. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me sir, but I wanted to apologize for earlier." Why is Nappycat apologizing to me? And also, why is he out here? "Oh, it's fine, and you can call me Solar. Our sons are actually friends and I've met your son before." I saw Nappy's eyes get really big and he smiled and told me the pleasure was his. "I'm sorry Nappy, but until this investigation is done I can't tell you anything." "I know, just can you promise me you'll find whoever did that to him." I told him yes I would make sure they saw justice. I also assured him that Catnap would get any therapy he needs. "Thank you so much Solar, now I'm going to go back to my room. I was out on a bathroom pass, but I think I may have took to long." I laughed and said he would be fine.

As I entered the room, I saw Catnap without his shirt on. He was fit and had scars, hickies, fresh cuts, and missing tuffs of fur all over his body. It made me sick, I wanted to punch whoever did that to this boy. That's one of the hardest parts of this job; knowing you can't do anything to scum who deserve it. "Do you need anything before we start Catnap." He said no so I sat down. "So I'll tell you everything I suppose. It all started when I was 10 and my dad started dating Katt." WHEN HE WAS 10?! I would not let this monster ever see the light of day.

*After Catnap tells his life story*



"Then she was on top of me, cutting me with a razor as she was pegging me. After that, I got a message from Dogday asking me if I could go to his tennis game. Well that's about the whole story."


I asked him if anyone but Dogday knew about this. He shook his head no. "Thank you Catnap. I'll file this information, Katt will be arrested, and we'll go from there." He smiled and told me that he was happy to hear that. I left the room and sped walked to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet. How could she do that to a kid? I need to make sure Catnap is safe before I can release him.

I walked up to the sink and started washing my hands. Then, I went to rinse out my mouth. As I looked back up from spitting, I saw a man pointing a pistol at me. "Don't move a fucking inch if you want to make it out of here alive." He whispered that just loud enough so I could hear it. *Bang* I heard gunshots and screams coming from outside.

So a little shorter of a chapter today, but that's because I split it into 2 parts. Tomorrow I will release part 2 (ch.6.5 Dogday's Interrogation). I split it bc it felt weird to have the shooting start then jump back to Dogday's pov. Have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow friends;)

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