I'll Wait For You

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It's cold. The air as I walked back to the house was freezing cold. It was an abnormal temperature that pierced my skin like it was the dead of winter. But it wasn't. It's the passing of spring.

Walking through the final parts of the woods, the mansion stood before me. It was wrecked. Burnt wood hung off the sides like it was about to fall, while the front door lay on the floor a couple of feet away from its hinges. What a waste of nice architecture.

I was about to make my way into the house when I noticed blood-stained palm prints on the door frame. It was something straight out of a horror movie. The sight reminded me that it's dangerous to be here and that more of those things could be inside the house. But I needed to get to my phone and luggage.

A snapping twig from behind froze me. Is it one of those things? Is it the guys? I turned around, ready to run if need be, when I saw Louis emerge from the woods.

I let out breaths of relief, however; the relief was cut short when I saw him carrying Addy bridal style. She was still fast asleep, peacefully if I might add. Completely unaware of the chaos, and of the creature that held her.

"Why aren't you with the others? It's dangerous here," he says.

I think this is the first time he's spoken to me. Regardless, he's holding my friend and that's not something I'm comfortable with. Not when I got a glimpse of what they were capable of after Zayn ripped the head of that creature like a piece of paper.

That sight still has bile lingering at the edge of my throat. "Put Addy down," I state each word with intent.

He eyes me, "Why?"

"Because I know what you are and I don't feel alright with my friend being in your hands."

His demeanor shifted and his expression stiffened. With a relaxed pace, he approached me his height a towering one. "How much do you know?"

I steadied my feet, feigning a false bravado even though a dull chill was slithering up my back. He isn't going to attack me, is he?

Swallowing, I met his cool gaze with a challenging one, "I know that you're a lycan."

A cold smile crossed his lips, "Is that all?"

"What?" Is there more to know?

"If you fully know what we are and what you, and her," he looked down at Addy and his smile softened. "If you knew what both your existence meant to us, you'd know that there's no way I'd let her go in such a threatening environment."

"Let her go, Louis," A stern voice demanded.

Zayn emerged from the woods, along with the rest. He was back to his human self and so was Donna. His black hair was tousled about in a wavy mess, and his clothing still looked proper, not a speck of blood to be seen. Neither on his lips nor on his clothes. It feels like I'm seeing him again after a long time, and goodness does he look as good as ever. Except his eyes were cold and so was his demeanor.

"Louis. I said let her go." He stated again firmly.

A moment of silence passes between them before Louis sets Addy on her feet and gently leans her on me. Then with one last glance, he backs away from me. I could hear a sharp grind in his teeth as he did so.

Although I finally got Addy back, my eyes were still trained on Zayn's, as his, was on me. He took steady steps towards me,  and I thought he was coming to me for a moment, but he just walked by, disappearing into the house.

I forced down whatever foreign emotion was rising within me and patted Addy's cheek, trying to wake her up.

"Do you hate us now?" Lowell inquired, his eyes boring into me.

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