Tears & Surprises

Start from the beginning

"The day we all were supposed to come it was decided that you would come with my friends who were also doctors and who loved you more than us, that's what we always believed. You were supposed to reach before us to the airport, but we were early and reached first and waited for you all to come but then we got a call from St. Peter's Hospital about three people who were brought to the hospital after an accident. When we reached the hospital, they told us only you survived and they both died on the spot. The police also informed us that when they found you, you were wrapped in Neharika's arms. She protected you with her life, and you went into a coma after that we waited for two months for you to get up, but when you didn't get up, we transferred you to the Roy Hospital with us. We knew you would be looked after her much better than there."

When Dad stopped talking all I could think of was two people died in the accident and I survived because of one.

"Princess, plz don't cry." Sameer gave me a shake and forced me to come out of my thoughts.

"hmm, sorry I didn't -

I couldn't finish my sentence; I started crying uncontrollably. Mom hurried over to comfort me, and they all tried to calm me. But what puzzled me the most was why I was crying so intensely for someone I never knew. The pain I felt was overwhelming, almost like a sudden stabbing me into the heart.

A few moments later when I was calm and felt better, I got up and left the room without a word. Whenever I am upset or I have to think there is only one place I go to and that's a church. I took my phone, called a cab, and left. Everything that my parents told me today was way too unreal to be true and a part of me was still shouting that this was not happening to me 'How was it even possible that I had an accident, two people died in it and I don't even remember.' I wished that this was all a nightmare like the one I always have and I would get up from it. But I knew that it was true, there must be a reason for them to tell me everything so suddenly today.

I didn't realize that I had been sitting there for the past two hours thinking, crying, and praying. I noticed the time when Sameer called me and said Nish and he was waiting outside the church for me. I got up said my last pray and left. When I saw them, they looked like they were about to pass out from the stress. They looked so worried as if I was lost for a few days and now they found me.

"You guys look like ghosts. What's wrong with you?"

"We are worried about you, Idiot."

"I can see that on your faces."

"Princess, are you ok?"

"Honestly, I don't know, how would you feel if something like that happened to you, Sameer ?"

"He will think about how to use the situation in his favor and make a profit out of it." This caused Sameer to give him a death glare and Nish to hide behind me like he was scared. And I started laughing seeing them like that.

"Stupid, alright how will you feel ?"

" Lucky and happy to be alive,"


"I will always be thankful to them and to a god who saved me, gave me a new chance, and even took all the painful and bad memories from me, knowing that I will have problems in the future if I remember them. What more could I ask for? If this is not lucky and miracle, then I don't know what is. So, stop crying and being sad, be thankful and smile."

"Exactly Princess, as mom always says God always has a plan behind everything that he does. So count the blessings and smile, we all are here with you and will always be with you."

"I can't believe that this idiot could say something like this. But you are right guys, thanks I needed it."

"See, even I can give a pep talk."

"No," Sameer and I said it together.

"OK ok, why scaring me? Nonsense people. Now let's go and eat ice cream and see the new gift Dad bought for her."

"Gift for me, really what ?"

"I don't know and you can even go to France with Kritika, but there is a condition." 'As if I didn't know, I even know what that condition is'

"Take Kabir with you and you three will live in the flat, Dad will select and it is only for a month. No more."

"Ok, ok, I get it."

"let's go."

We reached home and the second I stepped into the room Mom and Dad came running and hugged me. They were even worried and it was clear on their faces.

"Sorry Princess, we shouldn't have said it."

"No, Mom thank you for telling me everything. I now realise how lucky I am and even the mystery behind my nightmares is solved. I guess it was this incident that I was seeing in my dreams. But I still don't know who was the man in my dreams."

"Which man?"

"no, nothing." I guess it's good to not say anything to them for now.

"What's my gift ?"

"How did you know about it?" Dad asked looking at Nish, who now moved behind Mom.

"I even know what it is?"

"I knew there was nothing I could hide from you."

" It's a matte black Lamborghini Aventador."

"whaaaaat? What is it, dad ?" Nish shouted

"Why is she getting it, when she doesn't even drive? Even, I want one then we will have the same cars" After hearing this Sameer punches Nish in the stomach. And gave a ' I will kill you' stare.

"I mean, sorry." He looked like a lost puppy now with his face down and looking with eyes up.

"Then teach me."

"What?" they all said together, What's with this sink?

"Yeah, I need to learn how to drive again just because I had a bad experience with cars, doesn't mean I can't ever drive."

"OK cool we will teach you how to dive, princess."

"But you don't have much time."

"You remember that I know how to drive I am just scared of doing that now. I still haven't forgotten"

"Yeah." "Cool then in a week you will start driving again."

"Yes!" I am looking forward to this class and France. 

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