Chapter 1: Normal Day

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"Good morning ma'am, please wake up you have an important meeting with the investors today and after that, you have appointments with the patients." And my morning starts with him telling me my schedule and giving me early stress.

"Who lets you in my house and especially in my room? Kabir." I shout at the top of my voice and throw the first thing that comes to my hand at him. 

"I will  take care of that person who lets you in my room trust me, Kabir." He caught the alarm clock I threw and walked to the curtains with a smirk. This person irritates me every morning and still doesn't give up. 

"Just get out and let me sleep for 5 more minutes." With these words, I try to sleep again, but I am not so lucky when it comes to sleep. He goes to the window and opens all the curtains in the room. As soon as the curtains are pulled my room is filled with warmth and sunlight. And there we have a bright sun looking at me. 

"Aggh.... Close the curtains, please. Kyu? ( Why?) Why do you do this to me every morning?" I let out a sigh, and get up complaining, the first thing in the morning. After complaining like that I try and open my eyes which are still adjusting to the bright light in the room.

"That's because you must have been my enemy in a past life and in this life, I am taking revenge," Kabir says, all the time smirking like an idiot. And in return gets a disgusted expression from me.

"Seriously? A bad joke early morning, anyway Good Morning" I say the last part with the brightest and the biggest smile.

"Good morning ma'am, now get up please you know no one will have their breakfast without you", he leaves after saying these words.

Kabir is my assistant, my friend, and my bodyguard as well. He has been with me since I was 18 after I was almost kidnapped. My dad wanted someone trustworthy to be with me 24/7 so he bought Kabir who is three years older than me and is my all-in-one person. I still remember when I first met him at my dad's study. He looked so hot wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. We argued a lot before getting along, that's because I didn't want an all-time bodyguard, and he was just like my dad, with a strict and stone face.  But then after a lot of arguments and fights and in Bollywood style what we call 'extra drama' we understood each other and now, I love having him around he is everything I am not. 

So it's cool.

" Princess come down I am starving" my mom's voice breaks my trail of thoughts and I get up from my bed stretching and enter my bathroom. My schedule is not so tight today and so I have some me-time. After bathing and getting ready I run downstairs to the mainder ( temple area ) to pray. Everyone at home has this habit of starting their day after praying and so do I. Mom taught us that 'nothing is more important than helping others in need and nothing is stronger than praying for others.'

"Hurry up please, or else I will die of hunger and you will be responsible for it," Nish shouts from the dining area. I knew this thing about him, if I didn't go soon then I would be in real danger, so I ran to the dining area after finishing my prayer. And the second I enter I am greeted by the smiling faces of my family.

" Sorry" saying this I went to my seat, which was next to Dad's, and gave everyone an apologetic look.

"It's alright princess, we are not that late or hungry," my Dad says smiling, at times like these he looks even cuter. He is the most handsome person that someone can ever see, even in his 40s he still looks young and is well-built, with an aura that screams confidence and charisma. He is one of the best cardio Surgeons in India and the chairman of the "Roy Group of Hospitals". He is someone who has killer looks and a sharp brain, this is the reason my mom fell for him, she always says that he was the best-looking doctor in the hospital when she met him for the first time. Everyone at home knows this story by heart, how they met in France during their internship, how my father and mother fell in love, and how he asked her out for marriage. I think it was fate or maybe their friends about whom Mom and Dad talk frequently. 

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