Tears & Surprises

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"Come and take a seat, Mia." Mom and Sameer were also waiting for me when I went to the study. I sat near Sameer and he held my hand and smiled sweetly. Now it feels like they are just about to tell me that I have some chronic disease. I don't get this serious look.

"Mia, you know darling I would never say no to you for anything, right ?"

"Yes Dad I know, What's the problem why are you all giving me this serious look?"

"The thing is princess I don't want you to go to France. I don't mind any other country, but not France."

"But why dad ?"

"We lost you there once, I can't lose you again."

"What, what is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't remember, but when you were 14, we experienced an accident where you nearly lost your life. It was a miracle that you survived, but it took you seven months to recover and get back."

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about, we had an accident in France and I went into a coma for seven months."


"At least say something that seems like the truth, Dad. It sounds like a drama."

"It's the truth, Princess."

"Not you Mom. If it's true then why don't I remember anything?"

"You had traumatic Amnesia after when you woke up."


"Princess listen, and calm down plz."

"Clam down? really? how should I?"

"When I just came to know that I had an accident that I don't remember and I was in a coma, that also I don't remember, and now this traumatic Amnesia." My mind was blank right now, a part of me was telling me this was all a lie, how is that even possible when I don't remember it and nobody ever told me about it, so how in the world was I supposed to believe something that I don't remember. But I knew my parents were not lying, their expressions told me everything. ' Seriously what the hell is going on' was all I was thinking and to be honest I wasn't thinking straight and being calm was the last thing I wanted to hear from them.

"Why didn't you tell me before? why?"

"How were we supposed to do that? You were 14 and you didn't remember anything, most importantly when you went through that kidnapping incident, we saw what effect it left on you. So we decided to never talk about it"

"Then why are you telling me this now? hmm"

"Because you are dying to go to France and you have been asking us why are we not letting you go? But more importantly, we were scared that something might happen to you when you go there again. That's why we were not letting you go."

"Not letting me go? Means that I can now go ?"

"Yes, princess you can, it took a lot of time for me to convince them but they finally said yes to you for going to France." Sameer finally spoke. He was listening to everything calmly all this time, so I guess he already knew about this accident.

"Wait a minute, you already knew about this accident thing, isn't it ?"

"Not really, I was not sure if this was true, see I just needed confirmation which I got from them yesterday."

"How did you know about it? And when did we go to France? Like how everything happened, mind filling me in please."

"Mom and Dad studied in France for at least two years and they took you with them because you were young."

In Another Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें