Chapter eight: The smell of Enchanting Blood

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The newly transformed demon began attacking his wife and injured her in the middle of the crowded streets of Asakusa. A crowd had gathered around them completely oblivious to the danger they were in. Tanjiro Intervened, he quickly rushed before the demon could kill her and stuffed his hood into the man's mouth. The woman called out to Tanjiro who instructed her to keep putting pressure on her bite wound to stop the bleeding and informed the others to patch her up while he restrained the demon. Muzan and his human family quickly walked away, while Tanjiro could only watch helplessly as his worst enemy fleed away. Tanjiro yelled at the demon progenitor that he will never let him escape, that he will fallow him and hunt him down where ever he goes even to the dark depths of hell itself, hearing the threat Muzan continued to walk away while his wife questioned him about that boy's odd behavior. Tanjiro promised to take his head and to never forgive him for his heinous actions.


The police had entered the scene. Tanjiro called for restraints to secure the demon but the officers ignored him and attempted to pull Tanjiro off of the man but Tanjiro refused to release his hold on the demon. The officers tried to beat him off the man but that didn't work either the kid was freakishly strong so they couldn't pull him off and he was taking hits from their batons like they were nothing and they could sware that they saw the boy heal the wounds that they inflected on him and that is when they realized that they were not dealing with a normal teenager. Nezuko rushed to help her brother when suddenly flower petals and flowing patterns appeared blinding the police men. It was a blood demon art (Scent Of ILLUSIONARY BLOOD, Visual dream). Tanjiro detected a scent he can't determine but he sensed it getting stronger, and then a demoness warning a purple kimono with floral designs and purple eyes appeared and approached him accompanied by a demon boy with green hair and purple eyes wearing a white kimono. 'Even though he was changed into a demon you still refer to him as a person?! ' said the woman in a kind voice. She lended Tanjiro a helping hand to save the transformed man. With the transparent world
Tanjiro had figured out that these two people were demons but their scent was odd even though they were demons their scent was not different from a human. Before Tanjiro can say anything the woman revealed on her own accord that she is a demon as well as being a doctor and that she wishes to defeat Muzan just as much as the demon slayers. Elsewhere Muzan was sending his family home in a taxi, claiming that he has a business meeting to attend to, he also intended to talk with the police about the "disturbance" completely brushing aside his wife's concern about the situation. With his wife and daughter gone. Muzan entered an alleyway to walk through but while doing so. Muzan accidentally bumped into a drunk man who was with his brother and friend. Muzan politely apologized but the drunkard tried to confront Muzan for his expensive clothing he also talked about Muzan's pale skin, saying that he looked close to dying. Enraged Muzan raised a fist and brutally punched the drunkard into the wall shattering his skull. The other man was enraged seeing his brother being brutally murdered right in front of him, he rushed at Muzan with his fist raised and ready to kill....he was going to beat that man to death for killing his brother but Muzan swiftly kicked the man high into the air and the man ended up vomiting blood and splattered as he came crashing back down onto the floor. Muzan then approached the last person...a woman who was watching in horror. Muzan neeled down and got close to the terrified woman's face, the woman didn't speak she didn't say anything, she was too terrified to speak. ' tell me do i look pale and sickly! do i look i'm dying that i'm not long for this world!' Muzan said menacingly. Muzan then arrogantly retorted that he was a superior being close to perfection and then he raised a claw and pierced the woman's skull and flooded her body with an enormous amount of his blood. As she was squirming in pain. Muzan rhetorically asked the woman what might happen if he continued to flood her body with his blood, answering himself by stating that the human body can't withstand such a transformation, leaving its cells destroyed, the woman then transformed into a hideous abomination that wasn't a human or demon and then her cells dissolve causing her to melt into a mess of flesh and gore that burned into ash. After the woman died. Muzan summoned two demons by his side. The two demons bowed before their demon king ready to serve him and obey his every order and command. Muzan commanded the two demons to bring him the head of the demon slayer with the hanafuda earrings. The two demons immediately comply and left to do their their masters wishes and before they left Muzan gave the two demons some of his blood. Now that he was finally alone and by himself, he suddenly became was his worst fear....that devil Yoriichi has came back to huant him from beyond the grave!!!.....he needed to kill Kokushibo's two surviving half human brats and he needed to get rid of them soon....he didn't have any idea if they will ever be strong enough to poss a threat to him but he wasn't going to take that risk....he wasn't going to underestimate them...

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