Chapter four: Final selection

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After six months of training with Mokomo and Sabito. Sabito had challenged Nezuko to a rematch. The two opponents faced each other and.....Nezuko had struck first!.....she had finally beaten Sabito!. The boy's mask was cut in half and fell off reveling his face. Sabito had grayish blue eyes and had a scar on his cheek identical to the one on his mask.
Sabito and Mokomo were relieved by Nezuko's victory and commended her triumph and her success before finding away. Nezuko saw that her slash did not only slice Sabito's mask she had also sliced the boulder as well...she did it!....she finally did it! she is ready for final selection, ' I...i did it i finally cut the bolder!' Nezuko said as she started to celebrate ' I'm so proud of you Nezuko! ' Tanjiro beamed he was fulled with pride and joy this was a great achievement for Nezuko.
Tanjiro then cut his rock wich was the biggest one of them be honest Tanjiro could have easily cut his rock but he wanted to help his sister and now that she had finally succeeded Tanjiro could finally cut his rock and the two can go to final selection together. Nezuko was still shocked by her accomplishment when she and Tanjiro were met by their mentor Urokodaki. The old sensi confessed that he did not intend to send the Tsugikuni siblings to final selection. He didn't want to see more children die and he was certain that these two boulders were impossible to cut but he was taken aback and commended the siblings calling them "Remarkable kids' Sakonji then pulled the siblings into a hug and asked Tanjiro and Nezuko to come back alive from final selection, the tree then returned to Sakonji's hut where they enjoyed a nice hot pot that Sakonji had prepared for them. Urokodaki's cooking was delightful. Sakonji explained that just like humans, demons also had to eat in order to gain strength and that a demons power is proportional to the number of their devoured victims, end that the most powerful demons can cast strang spells called blood demon art he also remarked how odd it is that Nezuko can use blood demon art, he also explained that Tanjiro and Nezuko would be able to determine how many victims a demon has claimed as their senses grow and reach their peak, afterwards Sakonji gave Tanjiro and Nezuko fox masks with a charm to protect them from harm, he gave Tanjiro a black fox mask with a sun on the top on the right side of his forehead where his first mark is and a crescent moon on the bottm on the left side of his cheek where his second mark started while Nezuko was given a white fox mask with vines on it,the next morning Tanjiro and Nezuko said farewell to their trainer before heading to final selection and Nezuko asked Sakonji to say hello to Sabito and Mokomo for her....this shocked the old man how did Nezuko know 'The names of those dead children?!'.


Tanjiro and Nezuko had arrived at MT.Fujikasane where the final selection will take place. MT.Fujikasane was a beautiful location. Wisteria trees grew everywhere and bloomd year round. The Tsugikuni siblings took the time to admire the beauty of the wisteria trees. At night time Tanjiro and Nezuko along with the other candidates were instructed to ascend the stairs leading to the mountaintop shrine. Tanjiro and Nezuko were amazed by the number of people gathered there were twenty other candidates,all the candidates who were waiting for the exam to commenc were soon greeted by Kiriya and Kanata Ubuyashiki, who were members of the Ubuyashiki family. The Ubuyashiki twins explained the rules of the exam. The candidates had to survive seven consecutive nights in a demon infested forest in order to be granted the opportunity to join the esteemed ranks of the demon slayer corp as official demon slayers.


The exam had begun. All the candidates had entered the demon infested forest on the mountaintop. These demon were captured alive by the demon slayers and prisond in the wisteria forest.

Two demons were fighting over who got to eat Tanjiro. But the demons were no match for Tanjiro he killed them with the third form of moonbreathing (Loathsome moon chains) Tanjiro unleashrd two large crescent slashes on the two demons before doing multiple small slashes. Before he killed the two demons Tanjiro asked if they knew where his father was but sadly they didn't know anything. Tanjiro tried to ask other demons but they all tried to devour him forcing Tanjiro to kill them, meanwhile Nezuko just saved someone who was about to get eaten by a demon. Nezuko cryed tears of joy her hard work wasn't all for nothing....together Tanjiro and Nezuko were determined to clear the mountain, they saved alot of the weaker prospective slayers...Tanjiro and Nezuko had decided to split up and meet back at the base of the mountain. While she was alone Nezuko had encountered a demon monstrosity that was about to devour someone, he was a humongous demon that looked like an obese fat man with soo many arms and hands and puke green skin..he was hideoue!....Nezuko was able to save the boy before the demon killed him and the kid ran for his dear life leaving Nezuko to face the demon alone...the demon was able to identify Nezuko as a disciple of Sakonji Urokodaki by her fox mask...the demon recognized Sakonji's hand work very well. The demon asked Nezuko what year of the meiji era they were in. She said that they were now in the taisho era. The demon had a mental breakdown he had been prisond in the wisteria forest since the meiji era and now they have entered a new period....he has been locked up in this prison for forty seven years!!! his anger the demon started to harm and mutilate himself by scratching his body until he bled. He started shouting how unforgivable this is and he started to curse Urokodaki....the demon then cruelly taunted Nezuko about the deaths of Sabito and Mokomo as well as the deaths of fifty participants of final selection and thirteen of Urokodaki's disciples and he pland to devour Nezuko next....the hand demon had a deep grudge against Sakonji Urokodaki for prisoning him in the wisteria forest forty years ago so as revenge the hand demon specifically targeted Urokodaki's students....Nezuko was so outraged...Sabito and Mokomo could feel her anger from faraway, as he was sitting on the cut rock Sabito urged Nezuko to calm down and focus on the fight.

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