Chapter Two: Cruelty

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Michikatsu was lying his head on his pillow about to go asleep when all of a sudden the shoji door burst open!!!, the demon created a katana from his own flesh and got in a fighting stance, 'Who are you and why did you enter our home with out permission!' said Shigeru the children were woken up by the explosion and were terrified, the person that broke into their home was a man dressed in a western suit with dark black hair and red cat like eye wearing a white fedora hat. Michikatsu was fulled with fear and dred it was his master Muzan Kibutsuji. Michikatsu instinctively and protectively put himself between that man and his children, ' so this is your family what adorable kids you tell me Kokushibo have you changed them yet?' said Muzan the children were confused when he referred to their father as Kokushibo. Michikatsu got on one knee and said 'please master they are just children they have nothing to do with your quest!' Michikatsu pleaded but his call fell on deaf ears. Muzan saw the confusion on the Childers faces, 'So you haven't told them who you really are ' Muzan said, 'Master please don't do this!' Michikatsu said but Muzan didn't relent and used the Muzan cells that were inside Michikatsu to expose Michikatsu's true form, the children started to cry they became afraid of their own father, his demon form was hideoue!....he looked almost the same but now he had six red eyes with yellow sclera with the kanji (Uppermoon one) written on them and his skin turned into a sickly pale gray the marks on his forehand and neck have mutated into a black color and he now had sharp claws and teeth. Muzan was using his cells to torture Michikatsu he was bleeding from his mouth, eyes and nose and his shest was tight, he was paralyzed and couldn't move, 'Stop hurting my father!!!' screamed Shigeru as he charged at Muzan with his mother's neginata, ' Children who don't know their place don't deserve to live' Muzan said as he simply broke the weapon and crushed the boy's skull, 'how dare you!!!' screamed Michikatsut tears of rage and sadness falling down his face, even though he was a demon Shigeru still accepted him as his father...sure the boy was reckless but he was still a child he didn't know any better. Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako and Rokuta were also crying they were also shattered by Shigeru's death and they were terrified and fearful of Muzan the demon progenitor then dropped Shigeru's severed head on the floor, 'You have become so pitiful Kokushibo' said Muzan in a disgusted tone before he went and approached the other children who didn't move...they were fearful and terrified of Muzan and traumatized by their brother's death and had lost all hope, 'So are you kids going to join me and become my subordinates?' Muzan asked...the children didn't speak they were so afraid ' I will decide myself then ' declared Muzan as he stuck his pointer finger through Hanako's forehead and injected some of his blood into her...she screamed as she turned into a hideous abomination that wasn't a human or demon before she died, the only thing that showed that the puddle of flesh and blood that was now in front of them was Hanako was her kimono....Muzan then went to Nezuko and Rokuta but Takeo rushed to protect them he tried to attack with his axe....but Muzan just injected Takeo with his blood, and Takeo also turned into a hideous abomination his final words before he died were simply 'Help us'.....Muzan was about to go after Nezuko and Rokuta who were trying to flee but Michikatsu impaled him with his flesh blad....through sheer will Michikatsu was able to break free from the paralysis, Muzan counterd and deflected all of his attacks...this wasn't moon breathing it was that man's sowrdmenship!.....this gave Muzan traumatic flash backs to the only man that came even remotely close to killing him Yoriichi. While his movements weren't as good as Yoriichi's yet. Michikatsu was glad and grateful that all the long nights that he spent practicing the hinokami kagura were not in vain....he now had a waterd down version of sun breathing and it was affective! was enough to put the demon king in his place. Michikatsu had Muzan pind to a wall he looked at Nezuko and Rokuta 'Run!' shouted Michikatsu but before Nezuko and Rokuta could flee the house Muzan retaliated...he activated all his cells that were inside Michikatsu causing him to fall into unconsciousness, he tossed Michikatsu aside and then pierced Nezuko and Rokuta with an attack, 'Quite interesting Kokushibo i will severely punish you for this but you have become an even more valuable asset so i will let your oldest daughter live' said Muzan as he poured some of his blood on Nezuko, 'Now where is Tanjiro?' said Muzan coldly however Michikatsu got up even though all the Muzan cells were destroying his body he stood up as he got in a stance, his eyes reminded Muzan of that man Yoriichi...even though he had Michikatsu pind down by his cells he still showed this much will power...Michikatsu blitzed Muzan and the two continued their fight destroying most of the forest before Muzan used his cells to knock Michikatsu out...the demon lord called Nakime and they entered the infinite fortress...he told the biwa demon that they will have an uppermoon meeting.


Meanwhile With Tanjiro

The boy wok up the next morning, Tanjiro thanked Subaru for his hospitality before leaving on his way home, as Tanjiro got closer to his home he picked up two horrible scents the first was the metallic scent of blood and the second was the same scent of mold and rotting oil that his father had except more vile and putrid...Tanjiro ran as fast as he can...he worried what had happened to his family, he arrived at his home and he was horrified by what he seen...Tanjiro was greeted by the mutilated remains of his family!!!....and his father was missing he looked but he couldn't find the man anywhere!...'Father i hope you're ok' Tanjiro said in tears the boy couldn't stop wondering who or what did this and why they abducted his father, he then saw Nezuko lying unconscious on the snow holding Rokuta protectively he checked and...she was still warm!....the boy quickly carried his little sister on his back and rushed to the village he hoped that the doctor can save his sister she was the last piece of family he had left he couldn't lose her too!.....Nezuko started to wake up and regain her consciousness...Tanjiro could feel Nezuko starting to move so he started to run even faster, Tanjiro fell due to his lack of caution but fortunately the snow had soften and cushioned his fall, 'Ah..ah what happened?!' spoke Nezuko who was finally awake she had gained size and grown bigger. Tanjiro rushed to Nezuko's side and he was relieved that she was ok Nezuko claimed that she heard an annoying voice when she was unconscious but luckily the voice stopped when she became fully awake. Tanjiro explained to Nezuko in tears what he found when he got home and how he's worried for their missing father and then Tanjiro smelled a stranger approaching and he unsheathed his Kyokokukamusari and got into a fighting stance, the person that was approaching them had a very unique and distinguished scent they smelled like rain and then Tanjiro saw a man with black hair and blue eyes wearing a mismatched haori coming towards him and his sister...he was the source of that scent...the man introduced himself as Giyuu Tomioka....'That sword! telle me kid are you a member of the demon slayer corp?' asked Giyuu ' caw caw that boy is not a member of the demon slayer corp' said the crow that landed on the man's shoulder...Giyuu wondered how this kid got a nichirin blade even though he wasn't a member of the corp. Tanjiro explained that the sword was a gift from his father. Giyuu offered the Tsugikuni siblings to join the demon slayer corp to help fight against the enemy that massacred their family...Tanjiro and Nezuko accepted the offer Giyuu told them to go to a man named Sakonji Urokodaki who lives at MT.Sgiri. Tanjiro and Nezuko buried the remains of their deceased family, they prayed for their deceased family and for their missing father before heading to MT.Sgiri.


Author's note: this was a sad chapter, Nezuko was able to resist Muzan's cells due to being half demon and it helped her awken her demonic powers earlier than Tanjiro, and because Michikatsu is her father in this alternate storyline she and Tanjiro will become stronger than they were in the original story, i also speculate the every descendent of the Tsugikuni blood line has the chance of being born with the demon slayer mark wich is why Tanjiro was born with the mark like Yoriichi, and Nezuko being able to walk under the sun from the beginning makes sinse considering that her father is uppermoon one, his superior uppermoon genetics made Nezuko stronger so she was able to unlock the ability from the beginning, and Giyuu wasn't able to sense any demonic aura from the siblings wich is why no confrontation happened.

As always thank you for reading and please don't forget to leave your feedback i really appreciated it.

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