Semi Final Thoughts

21 2 45

Holy shit. This year is so fucking good!!!

Overall thoughts before I comment on the songs in each semi:

• Petra and Malin were wonderful and played off each other so well. The jokes were actually funny this time around. I stand by the opinion that four hosts are too much and they should stick to two

• the postcards sucked. I'm sorry, but they were so boring. Usually, they use the postcards to show off a country's culture and heritage, but it was just... tiktoks

• the interval acts were incredible. In Semi 1, Chanel, Eric, and Eleni were awesome, Benjamin was great, and Johnny Logan singing Euphoria was *chef's kiss*. In Semi 2, Petra and Malin's opener had me laughing the whole time, Helena, Sertab, and Charlotte are queens and it shows (I want Türkiye back so bad), and Käärijä was amazing as always

• The Green Room was kind of disappointing. It looked both empty and claustrophobic at the same time. I guess because it's set in Malmö arena that they had to do what they did in 2013


1. Cyprus

This was a solid opener! She's definately talented and it wasn't as sexualized as I was worried about

2. Serbia

BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad they were able to fix the camera angles, we needed a sad girl ballad in the final

3. Lithuania

WHERE MY LUKTELK NATION AT!!! Silvester was so gooood and I am so happy that Lithuania chose him

4. Ireland

I sat for a whole five minutes with my jaw on the floor after Bambie finished. Like, holy shit. Best staging of the year and CROWN THE WITCH

>>>. United Kingdom

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