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[What if Kuroko enters the Zone?]

Story Title: A Spark Within a Shadow

Summary: In the climactic Winter Cup Finals between Seirin High and Rakuzan High, tension mounts as Seirin struggles to keep pace with the formidable Rakuzan team. Despite Kagami's valiant efforts and entry into the Zone, Seirin finds themselves falling behind, their hopes dwindling with each passing minute.

For Tetsuya Kuroko, the Phantom Sixth Man of the Generation of Miracles, the pressure weighs heavily on his shoulders. As he watches his teammates falter and the despair creeping into their eyes, including Kagami's, Kuroko feels a sense of helplessness engulfing him. He begins to believe that his presence on the court is more of a burden than a help to his team.

As the second half of the second quarter begins and the Timeout ends, Kuroko approaches their coach with an unfamiliar expression on his face. With a determined resolve, he requests to be subbed into the game, surprising both his coach and teammates.

Sensing something different about Kuroko, the coach grants his request, and as Kuroko steps onto the court, a heavy pressure was felt throughout the court, even lingering through the crowd. The rest of Rakuzan felt all of it, even Akashi, but they all shrugged it off as their team captain says that their victory is absolute.

As the match continued, Kuroko gestured for the ball to be passed to him. Shun looked at him with confusion, remembering that Kuroko was having a hard time with his guard, but seeing his teammate's unreadable expression, he didn't know why he passed the ball to him.

Mayuzumi, the person guarding Kuroko, readied himself to steal the ball from his opponent, only for the other player to disappear right in front of him as soon as the ball touched him. His shock was cut short when the whistle echoed as a point was counted. Everyone looked towards the ring and were surprised to see Kuroko on the freethrow line in a jump shot pose as the ball bounced. Their shock grew tenfold, when Kuroko turned around and they saw something that they all thought was impossible.

Cerulean eyes staring back at them as a spark can be seen, indicating the shadow's entrance into the zone.


Name: Tetsuya Kuroko (11)

Team: Seirin

Position: ???

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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