Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow. For the heart has no metrics nor forms of measure. And all of it.....irreplaceable"

"Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon-"

The lyrics of my favorite song began to play in my ears, a soft smile gracing my lips as I stared down at the grey floor of the Musutafu Central Metro. As I look up, I notice several other people with me. Nothing much, just a few workers, an old man with a newspaper, and a stressed out looking mom with two kids. I smile as I see their happy, innocent faces.
I thought of being a kid again, to be that carefree... if only I could remember.

"Though its the end of the world, don't blame yourself. Now..."

The lyrics become apparent in my mind once more, breaking my train of thought. For better or worse I do not know, why I should care of things of that matter, I also do not know.
My hand tightens on the smooth metal pole as the metro glides upwards, aboveground. I turn my attention to the window and world beyond it. The tall grey buildings, bustling streets, the occasional hero on patrol. My eyes drifted to the large electronic billboard, or news screen, whoever is paying for its use now I guess. I see the.. a rather angry looking face, a spiky haired blonde. The words read across the bottom of the screen: "Katsuki Bakugo-". But I already knew that. He's appearing on billboards all around the city for about a month now, ever since the encounter of the sludge villain. Then, a sudden cry of joy fills my right ear. "Look, mommy look! Its All Might!" I look over to see the two children from before, their faces pressed against the glass. I follow their gaze. The image of All Might takes its place on the billboard. Ah, All Might. The greatest hero this world has ever known, and probably will ever know.. our Symbol of Peace. I wonder what would happen if we lost him- I quickly broke my train of thought as we went back underground

My reflection appeared in one of the dark metro windows. I stare into my own large navy blue eyes, the small aqua flecks speckling out like water droplets out of a circular sprinkler. My hair, a light, glowing shade of purple, like heather or lavender, cascading down my back, a few strands hanging down my forehead and past my chin. Then at the two black marks by my eyes, resembling rain, like how a teardrop would fall if someone was laying on their back.

Then finally, my UA uniform. New and fresh as it was only my first time wearing it. A determined smile crosses my face, for today, my life would change.
For today was the first day of UA.


(Hey everyone, thanks a lot for checking out this story. I know the first chapter was a bit slow but I hope it appeals to some of you 😅 Anyways, this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad so give me some grace if I make any mistakes. The song I mentioned at the beginning is called goodbye to the world by DENDIPAPPEY on Amazon music if you would like to check it out, and pls comment and enjoy!)

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