Chapter 8

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I yawn, standing outside with the resr of my class. All of us clad in our hero costumes as we wait for the bus to show up.
"Wow! I'm so excited!"
Mina yells, putting her hand son my shoulders and hopping around.
"I agree, this should be a good learning experience for all of us!"
Momo chimes in, raising a finger.
I nod, a slight smile in my face.

"Allright everyone! Line up and proceed to the bus!"
We follow the instructions of our class rep. Somehow I found myself next to Bakugo. Honestly, I dont think he noticed me..

"Hey Midoriya?"
"Yeah Tsuyu?"
"I told you to call me Tsu"
"Oh right, sorry"
"Anyways, I was wondering about your quirk, it reminds me of someone else's..All Might's"
Midoriya looked down at his hand, looking slightly distressed.
"You're lucky you have such a flashy quirk" Kirishima says thoughtfully, hardening his hand and forearm.
"My quirk is super strong, its good for offense and defense! people like me have to work extra hard, while people like you and Bakugo with flashy quirks can get them almost instantly!"
"Speaking of Bakugo"Tsu adds, "he seems pretty quiet since battle training.. usually he's all like, die die die"

I flinch as he jumps up from his seat.
"He's back" Mina sighs.
"Yeah dude. You really have to chill out" Kaminari chimes in.
"Hotrod? Thats a new one" Sero laughs.

I tilt my head to the side, watching this all play out. Bakugo is so strong, and has a big personality to say the least, he's the last person I expected to see bullied.

Then I hear Uraraka gasp. "There it is!"
I look over at the massive dome rising above the green canopy of trees. Wow.
We all load out of the bus to be met by the pro hero 13. She is short, and drives like an astronaut, big white boots, a puffy white jacket that goes down past her knees, and a gas mask looking thing.
"Hello everyone! Welcome to the USJ!"
Lead by Mr. Aizawa and 13, we walked into the building.
"Welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint, otherwise known us the USJ! This building was designed by yours truly for search and rescue, there are six zones in all, not including the staircase where we are and the central plaza down below; the Storm zone, Flood zone, Conflagration zone, Mountain zone, Landslide zone, and Ruins zone."

"This is so amazing!" Mina shouted, practically jumping for joy

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"This is so amazing!" Mina shouted, practically jumping for joy. I nod, gazing out at the interior zones before me. For some reason a sinking feeling arose in my chest, sinking down to my gut. My smile fades and my eyes narrow in something along the lines of anticipation.
"Koyomi" Tokoyami sets a hand on my shoulder. "Whats on your mind?"

Todoroki looks over at me, the tiniest hint of interest in his cold heterochromatic eyes.

"Nothing I just... have a bad feeling"
"Oh that's the just the nervousness you'll be fine" Mina said, showing out of nowhere.
Todoroki's eyes narrowed.


"Looks like All Might won't be showing up today, Erasure" 13 lowered her voice so the kids couldn't hear.
"He overworked himself earlier today" Aizawa concured.

"Who is that?"
"Those look like...villains"
"Are they supposed to be part of the training?"
                          —   ⚔    —  
My eyes widen as a purple mist, like a wall, spreads over the Central Plaza. Two yellow eyes moving down it.
Then people start to appear out of the eggplant purple haze. My eyes run over the figures, their quirks; axe, hair spike, scarecrow.
The unsettling feeling in my stomach grows.

Then two people step out from the center of the mist.
One man was thin, in all black with a trenchcoat, but had hands all over him, on his neck, sides, biceps, and face. The other...I can't even call it a human. Huge, bigger than All Might, with black skin and the head of a bird, brain exposed from the top of the skull.

I hear shouts, they couldn't have been more than 15 meters away, but they sounded so distant. "13 protect the kids!"

I was frozen, petrified, the man with the hands over his face seemed to look up at me. Time seemed to slow..beneath the cracks of the fingers somehow, even with this great distance between us, I saw one of his red eyes. It wasn't just angry like Bakugo's, but it held so many other emotions: hate, pain.. It looked so broken.

It dawned on me that he was looking straight back at me, that he saw me. My breath hicked in my throat, my eyes widening and shiny, I tried to speak but no words came out. Till softly, like a high pitched whisper.



(Song for this chapter is Blood//Water by grandson)

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