"Yeah, sorry. Just... thinking." She mumbles.

About Kendra, probably. She's definitely curious, but I don't doubt she'll keep quiet just because someone, probably Connor, told her to.

"It's about Kendra." She whispers, and I give her a soft smile.

"I assumed." I answer. "If you'd like to know something, I'll tell you."

She gives me a look, curious and a little worried. "Are you sure? Connor didn't really want me to say anything, so I don't mind if you don't wanna tell me."

"No, it's alright." I insist, starting the car and driving in the direction of her house.

"Who..." she chews her lip, unsure of how to ask her question. "Who was she to you?"

"She's my ex girlfriend, we dated for a year. Broke up 5 months ago." i tell her, and she halts her movements.

"Alright." She mumbles. "What does she look like?"

"She's a blonde with amber eyes." I whisper, and she nods.

"Why'd you break up?" She questions.

I assumed she'd ask, but it doesn't stop me from stiffening. I don't talk about the break up with Kendra very often.

"Uh... I actually don't know. She just randomly broke up with me one day and blocked me out of the blue."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Brady." She turns to look at me finally, and she really does look sympathetic.

I can only see her out of the corner of my eye since I'm driving, but I wave her off since I don't want her to pity me.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't know. It's over now anyways, and I'm over her." I answer.

"I still feel bad, nobody deserves that." She frowns, and I smile softly at her.

"Seriously Sab, there's no need to feel bad. If you feel bad then I'm going to feel bad because I brought it up." I say seriously, and she sighs.

"Okay, okay. I'll try not to. But Brady, if you need to talk about something, I'm always here... unless I'm working. Then unfortunately I cannot go on my phone, but you can always come into my work and find me." She jokes, and I laugh softly as I pull into her driveway.

We sit in silence for a moment, but it's not an awkward silence, it's more like a comforting silence. She's deep in thought, and I'm just gonna let her think for a moment.

Bringing up Kendra wasn't something I had planned because it hurt me pretty badly when she left, but I've healed since and it didn't hurt as much as I'd thought it would talking about her with Sab.

It's easy to talk about anything with Sabrina. She's so... easy. Like, everything I do with her is fun. It's never a difficult task to have a good time around her, and I always enjoy myself with her.

Eventually she looks at me, silently asking if I'm ready for her to leave. I get out of the car to signal I am, and she follows suit, opening the passengers side and hopping out of my car. I walk her to the front door, and she stops and turns towards me.

"Thanks for driving me home." She says softly, and I smile down at her.

"Of course, Sab. I'll see you soon, okay?" I tell her, and she nods. "Have a good night..."

Suddenly she puts her hand on my face, and she kisses me. I can't even process the fact that she's kissing me before she pulls back.

I didn't realize my hands were resting on her waist until she slid her hands from my cheeks down to my shoulders. She smiles at me before walking out of my grasp and into her house, not sparing me another look.

What. Just. Happened.


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well that's the basics about Kendra! she will appear a few more times... that's a warning for what's to come!!

Thanks sm tor reading I love u all sm!

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