14-Letter 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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My hands were stained with blood, a constant reminder of my failure. I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and shame that consumed me. If Lance hadn't come to our rescue, we would have all met our end. How can I lead my kingdom if I can't even protect my closest friends? My doubts and insecurities consumed me, making me question my abilities as a future king.


With a fierce battle cry, Malachi raises his sword high above his head. The blade gleams with a deadly shine, ready to strike at any moment. I know I have no choice but to fight back, my heart pounding in my chest as I grip my weapon tightly. But just as I close my eyes and prepare for the inevitable clash, another glint catches my eye - Lance's sword, coming to my rescue. He shoves me out of harm's way with a strong hand, and I roll towards Hax, seeking cover from the onslaught.

I watch in awe as Lance takes on Malachi, their swords clashing in a flurry of sparks and steel. Malachi's frown deepens as he is caught off guard by Lance's unexpected appearance. But Lance is relentless, delivering blow after deadly blow and then going in for the kill. Just as his sword is just about to pierce Malachi's chest, the villain vanishes before our very eyes, transforming into a swarm of writhing black spiders.

My skin crawls as I realize the true extent of Malachi's powers. But with Lance by my side, I know we can face whatever challenges lie ahead. Together, we stand victorious - for now.

Lance rushes over to me, his hands patting me down in a panic. I brush him off and walk over to Finn, who is still bleeding from the impact of the fall. Panic sets in as I tear off a strip of fabric from my dress to use as a makeshift tourniquet for his wound. Upon closer inspection, I see that the gash is shallow and barely leaking. Good, he will heal quickly.

"You still haven't answered my question," Lance says sternly, breaking my thoughts.

"Everyone else comes before me," I reply, turning to him. I watch as he helps Hax put down the books she hid under during the attack.

"What the hell was that thing?" Hax shudders, trying to shake off the fear that still lingers.

"It appears we have enemies like we thought. Let me take Finn to the hospital. What happened?"

"Finn and I came to talk to Hax when that monster suddenly appeared and knocked him out. Luckily you arrived just in time."

"Where is your sword, Abigail?" Lance moves me aside to lift Finn onto his shoulders. His gaze is intense and disapproving as he looks down at me. Wait, why is he shirtless? When did that happen? My eyes trail down his muscular chest before snapping back up to his face.

"You are part of the Song now. You should always have your weapon with you, no matter what. This deserves punishment. What if I hadn't arrived on time?"

My hands were stained with blood, a constant reminder of my failure. I couldn't shake off the guilt and shame that consumed me. If Lance hadn't come to our rescue, we would have met our end. How can I lead my kingdom if I can't protect my closest friends? My doubts and insecurities consumed me, making me question my abilities as a future king.

As we gathered around Finn in the hospital, the shock of our encounter with Malachi was still heavy in our hearts.I couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness. I had failed my friends, and the thought of being a king suddenly seemed like an insurmountable burden. But Lance's words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the importance of having faith in myself and my abilities.

My kingdom had always been my home, and I had been trained to be its future leader from a young age. I knew I couldn't let fear and self-doubt hold me back. As I looked around at my friends, I realized we were a team. Together we could face any challenge that came our way.

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