Episode 3: Cattle Drive

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Episode 3: Cattle Drive


Sammy POV

I was sitting on the bench by the fireplace. The Dino-nerd Darius was telling a spooky story. I wasn't really paying attention. I was mostly looking over at Yasmina and Patrick. Yasmina was right behind me scribbling in her journal, while Patrick was off to the side brooding on the couch. I couldn't help but feel bad for them. They were missing a fun time "Shouldn't we call Yasmina and Patrick over?" I asked, interrupting Darius. "I'm sure they'd love this story" the entire group looked at Patrick "the brooding 16-year-old? Good luck, he probably just wants to be by himself, same with Yaz." Kenji quipped as I saw Yasmina walked in to where Patrick was sitting. I turned back to the group "I don't understand." I said. "You know how sometimes people just want to be left alone?" Kenji explained much to my confusion. I chuckled at him "Kenji you're so funny." I laughed "I bet they're just shy and don't know how to make friends" I looked inside and saw Yasmina talking to Patrick.

"I doubt it" Brooklyn interjected "They seem to be pretty good friends with each other" Suddenly it began to rain causing us all to jump up. "Maybe we should go inside!" I suggested as we all hurried inside. "Way ahead of you!" Ben yelled as he bolted inside.

Patrick POV

Yaz took a seat next to me and took out her journal while I was debating on the topic of my next song. "Should I write my next song about Spike or the camp?" I asked the track star. She thought for a second before answering "Spike" She answered with a smile when suddenly Sammy jumped on the couch in between me and Yaz causing us both to yelp and jump back "You both need another friend" She exclaimed



Me and Yaz asked at the same time bewildered. "I'm such a ding-dong! You're both alone and you only have each other. And when I feel alone, having a friend around sure is nice. And I could use a friend but two definitely work!" She ranted excitedly "uh you lost me around ding-dong" Yaz said confused "same" I agreed. Sammy gasped and pointed at Yaz's drawing book "Is that a scrapbook?" she asked "I love scrap booking. The three of us can make one together. Pull you out your shell." I couldn't help but silently laugh at Sammy's innocence. Suddenly the lights went out and the announcement came. "Campers please report to bunks for lights out" Saved by the bell "Night everyone" I called out and ran to my bunk.

The next day

Gyrosphere Valley

We were all walking to the gyrosphere valley where there was a herd of herbivores. I walked up to one of the gyrosphere's and put my hand on it. "We get to drive gyrosphere's? Cool!" Darius exclaimed as I sat in one of the rides with Yaz. I sat in the passenger seat next to her. She looked up at me "This is gonna be, so sick." She told me "Agreed" I said with a smile. "Right?!" We turned and saw Sammy outside the Vehicle. "Dave and Roxie said that us three need to ride together since they only have three Gyrospheres. Isn't that exciting" I looked at Yaz who had a fake happy face at Sammy "Yay." She said annoyed.

I looked at Sammy "I'll try and squeeze in the back" I offered. I tried to fit in the back, but it was so uncomfortable and tight. I looked at Yaz who was clearly done with Sammy. I actually appreciate Sammy for trying to be friends. I guess the reason me and Yaz became friends was because of our equal awkwardness with other people but neither of us really know how to handle a hyper girl like Sammy.

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