Two Princes

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Pars Generals and Royal advisors all sat around a large table, with their prince at the head and the Prince's closest companions behind them.

It was quite an important meeting they were in, and it only seemed to be getting worse and worse. Even Arslan was beginning to sound helpless.

"Are you saying that we cannot raise an army?"

Daryun gritted his teeth. "What is this, Lord Bahman? Explain yourself!"

Lord Bahman looked sternly at Daryun, taking a clear dislike to his tone. "There is nothing to be gained by rushing into this." He said simply.

"We do not yet know what has become of His Majesty. We need some more time. I'm opposed to sending tropes out anywhere before the year is out. How will the Kingdom's Lords react to this? We should wait until we know that much."

Arslan bit his lower lip. Daryun spoke for him again.

"We must restore the prosperty of Pars, and to do so we need an army lead by Prince Arslan. Will our actions not determine how the Lords react? They will only follow if we lead."

Daryun began to get restless, annoyed by the lack of action. "Why do you now hesitate to do so, Lord Bahman?"

Lord Bahman turned away.

Daryun continued. "I would not call this caution; I can only think yo-"

"Stop, Daryun. There is no point in quarreling." Narsus interrupted.

"His mind is made up. We all know Lord Bahman has never once been bested on the field of battle, but old age can be cruel. Can we blame him for wishing to spend his remaining years in comfort?"

Bahman balled his fists, seeming to shake with contained rage.

"Still your tongue!" He snapped. "You know nothing, you arrogant puppy!"

He stood up abruptly. "I suggest we cool our heads. We can speak more later." Then left.

Arslan reached out after him. "Bahman..."

Daryun sighed and frowned, while Narsus smirked ever so slightly.

"All I did was make him angry." Daryun said.

"No, he's far more cunning, you don't give him credit." Narsus replied. "He pretended to grow angry, and left the room in order to avoid any further questions."

The group begin to shuffle out of the room, with Kishward staying behind Arslan's company.

"Wait, Daryun." He said.

Daryun turned his head.

"There is something you ought to know. It happened shortly before the battle at Atropatene. A letter was delivered to Lord Bahman from Lord Vahriz."

"What did my uncle write?" Daryun asked.

"I know nothing more than what I've told you. I cannot guess at the letter's contents." He shook his head and stroked his beard. "But ever since it arrived, Lord Bahman has been different, as you saw."

"And it came just before the battle..." Daryun trailed off, thinking about something.

"Lord Narsus, would you care to have a guess?" Farangis offered.

"Life would be ever-so-much simpler if I could. Regrettably, I'm afraid I'm no clairvoyant."

"Actually..." The prince spoke up. "There is someone who might know."


Bahman banged his fist down on his desk in a fit of frustration, conflicted with his morals and the situation.

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