Chapter 1

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Today is my birthday...Who cares anyway? No one, not even me. I still remember my last birthday. The last one I was happy. My mom made me a beautiful pink cake, covered with strawberries. It was so pretty. She singed me a happy birthday song and told me to blow the candle and make a wish. If I could have come back to that moment, just to make another wish instead of wishing for more dolls and teddy bears, I'll wish for my mother to be on my side today.

Ever since my father dropped me off, the Shadowcorp took me in and helped me or forced me in a way to get rid of emotions. Every day, I would wake up, take a shower and eat some food they'll gave us. Most of the time it was porridge. If we were lucky it was bread with a slice of cheese.

I started to head towards the headmaster's office to get assigned a new mission. Most of the time, he give me the one taht no one wants so I'm not hoping for anything. The headmaster was an old man who always had a frown on his face for whatever reason. He'll always be smoking some cigarettes and coughing like he couldn't breath anymore. Maybe he couldn't.

The way to his office was learned by all members of the shadowcorp. Turn left. Turn right. Turn left. And continue until you see a big door with big ornaments that could probably pay for a family in distress. But he didn't care about that. All he cared about was that we were all obedient and listened to him without protest.I focus on the sound of my feet on the ground. Tak...Tak...Tak....

I knocked at the door. When I heard the raspy voice muffled in coughs, I mad my way inside. The office was always neat and clean, covered in all things that are probably more expensive than this building. A statue, books that are covered in gold paper,... Expensive things.

-Hello Elena

The voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

-Hello Headmaster

He stares at me for a split second before talking.

-I hope you've been doing well-coughs- I have a mission for you. An usual one dare I say.

- What is it, sir?

-Ours rivals from the Cipherforce proposed a truce. We both have one goal and they said they realized it now. But they need one young agent from our agency to help them to complete their mission for the truce to be accepted.


- Let me guess. I'm the agent you choose.

He smiled and chuckled. It was more like a cry with all the coughs of his cirragette's smoke.

-Touche Elena. You're the prefect agent for this mission so I choose you.

-Im honored sir - I'm really not- may I ask who'll be my partner from the other Corp.

- That's the small problem here, my dear.

What is he talking about? What problem? Is it someone dangerous? Or a newbie? As he was about to finish his sentence, we heard a knock on the door. Before the headmaster had to time to speak, the door opened. And I was met with those devilish hazel eyes and that smirk I always wanted to rip off his face.


Hi! Okay this is really bad. Like I did it in 30 minutes because I wanted to get rid of the first chapter. Really sorry! And it was glitching so bad but anyways hoped you enjoyed the first chapter!

You're more than enough!

See you next time!

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