Ch. 37: Will You?

Start from the beginning

"It's not about force, it's an art." Emily quoted her uncle "Ozzy.

"Damn, can I work for him?" Angel muttered in awe.

"Maybe later. Asmodeus is actually a fan of yours." Lucifer said.

"A FAN OF ME?!" Angel shouted in shock. "The king of lust?!"

"Can we focus on Charlie instead of the Vees, right now?" Vaggie asked, guiding her soon-to-be fiancé to the den.

"Yeah, I... have an announcement to make." Charlie said, feeling excited.

Hearing this, Vaggie quickly smiled as she set Charlie on the couch and sat next to her.

"Oh! What is it, my dear?" Alastor said as everyone gathered around.

'Here it comes.' Lucifer and Emily thought, holding their excitement for their reactions.

"Well, as it turns out..." Charlie said with a pause before holding her stomach. "I'm pregnant!"

Everyone could hear a lightbulb breaking as Alastor made dial tone sounds, Angel somehow spat out a web from his mouth, Husk dropped the bottle he was holding, Pentius's hair/hood flaps shot up, and Niffty gained the same blank look she had if she was in front of a camera.

"...." They all remained silent as they stared at Charlie.

'Damn, I wish I had a camera right now.' Vaggie thought.

With the awkward silence filing the room, Charlie had to break it.

"Surprise." she said with jazz hands.

'Three. Two. One.' Lucifer, Emily, and Vaggie thought as they count down.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT/WITH CHILD?!" Everyone screamed at Charlie.

"Yep!" Charlie said, popping the P.

"Oh my gosh! We need to throw a baby shower! Oh wait, this place isn't even close to clean enough for that!" Niffty shouted before speeding off to clean.

"Looks like Niffty is back to her old self." Husk comments with a smile. "Congratulations, Charlie."

"Well, I try." Charlie said, blushing a bit.

"We BOTH tried and succeeded." Vaggie said, holding Charlie's hand.

"Both?" Angel asked before grinning. "OH! So you two did the dirty with a little magic, huh?"

"I prefer the term "made love" but yes, now enough of about our love life. We have a baby to prepare for." Vaggie said, hugging Charlie.

'And a proposal.' Vaggie thought.

"Don't forget, a baby shower comes first!" Lucifer said, also excited for it even if it's just a girls thing.

"Yes, we have lots to do, but I want Charlie to rest a bit." Vaggie said.

"I'm fine but I am a bit hungry." Charlie said.

"Are the cravings kicking in already?" Pentious asked.

"I hope she's not hungry for eggs." Egg Boi #5 said as the rest of them shivered in fear.

"No, no cravings yet." Charlie said before Vaggie picked her up and carried her upstairs.

"Cravings or not, we'll take care of it while she rests. Me especially since it is my child." Vaggie said.

"I'll have Razzle and Dazzle make something for her." Emily said before her stomach growled. "And maybe a little for myself as well."

"How little?" Vaggie joked as Charlie giggled.

"I'll have you know that my gluttony is completely under control, thank you." Emily said, before shooing them. "Now go rest!"

'And you better pop the question when you're alone, Vaggie. It's now or never.' Emily thought, heading to the kitchen.

Back with the happy couple, Vaggie finished climbing all of the steps while still carrying Charlie to their room.

"Vaggie, as charming be as this is, I can walk in my own." Charlie said.

"Nope." Vaggie said.

"You're being overprotective, I left the hospital with a clean bill of health!" Charlie said.

"Nope." Vaggie repeated.

"Will you stop saying nope and just let me down?! I am not a child!" Charlie said, throwing her hands up.

"NOPE." Vaggie said, grinning a bit.

"UGH!" Charlie groaned.

"I love you too much to let you walk by yourself." Vaggie said, "And speaking of..."

Having reached their room, Vaggie used one hand to open the door and walked inside before she set Charlie on the bed.

"Charlie, I love you, and I always will love you, no matter what." Vaggie said, moving to place a hand on Charlie's stomach. "This whole child thing just means that I have to hurry up and ask one important question, so I won't sugar coat it."

'Wait, does she mean...' Charlie thought as Vaggie got down in one knee.

"Princess Charlotte Morningstar..." Vaggie said, reached into her left glow and pulling out a ring. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest angel in Hell?"

Charlie gasped loudly, covering her mouth as she stared at the ring before her.

A golden band, specially made to look like a snake eating its tail and a heart on its forehead, with an emerald gem cut perfectly into the shape of an apple.

"Vaggie...You...I..." Charlie said as she cried tears of joy and smiled brightly. "YES! Yes, I will marry you!"

Smiling and crying a bit herself, Vaggie grabbed Charlie's hand and put the ring on her finger.

'Perfect fit.' Vaggie thought before she got up.

The two soon to-be-mothers hugged each other right before they kissed lovingly.

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