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When I was an apprentice, my mentor was Magpiefreckle.

No, I wasn't medicine apprentice- Magpiefreckle was a warrior back then. Shortly after I became a warrior, Magpiefreckle decided to try being a medicine cat, and asked to be apprenticed to Weaseltail.

I don't think she ever meant to stay. She had a clear crush on Ducksplash, and she probably had only meant to try it out for a moon. And then Weaseltail died, and she had to succeed him. She had to abandon Ducksplash and forget her love.

I think she's always regretted her decision.


Turtlestride, who had been napping in the warriors' den, was prodded awake by Thornberry. She yawned, sitting up.

Thornberry stared at her for an awkward moment then said, "why are you acting like such a kit?"

That caught Turtlestride off-guard. "I-- what?" She stammered.

"About me and Larkstep," Thornberry explained, her tail flicking irritably, "what's wrong with you? I mean, it was funny at first, but you don't have to... Make such a big deal. And act like we're disgusting." Her ears lowered. She seemed hurt, emotionally.

Turtlestride's thoughts were racing. They usually were, of course, but especially right now. "I.. Sheesh, Thornberry. I really had no idea. I don't know why. It's just... What if he's not the right cat for you?" Turtlestride replied.

Thornberry paused. Maybe she was thinking about this. Maybe she would agree with Turtlestride. For a second, Turtlestride almost felt hopeful.

"I'm really glad you care for me," Thornberry smiled, curling her tail around Turtlestride, "but don't worry. He loves me and I love him. But, ah... Try to suppress your gag reflex, alright?"

"Yeah, sure." Turtlestride responded. She tried to think of a joke she could make so the situation would be less awkward, but drew a blank.

Thornberry stood, heading out, leaving Turtlestride to her thoughts.

You're horrible. Even your best friend hates you. She knows how childish you are. You're childish and immature and a terrible person. You secretly hate Turtlestride. You want to kill Larkstep. You're evil. You're disgusting. I bet your mom is dead because of you. Your mom and Rosellapaw. Poor Rosellapaw, dead because of you. If you don't check on Rosellapaw in the next few minutes, he'll die.

Turtlestride, despite her efforts to ignore these thoughts, hurried out of the warriors' den, looking for Rosellapaw. Maybe he'd be in the apprentices' den?

Turtlestride pushed past the vines in the apprentices' den's entrance, looking inside. Rosellapaw was curled up in a nest there, sleeping.

Is he breathing? Maybe he stopped breathing because of how evil you are, you horrible, disgusting cat.

Rosellapaw's side rose and fell as he breathed, peacefully sleeping.

Looks like he's alive. Better check on your mom. She could be dead because of you, too.

Turtlestride backed out of the apprentices' den and glanced desperately around the clearing, looking for Beespeckle. She was guarding the spare den, right? Guarding Emustep with Ducksplash after Emustep had attacked Featherfall.

Turtlestride walked over to the spare den. Phew. Her mom was alive, she and Ducksplash sitting on either side of the spare den's entrance. They were talking. They looked happy. They suddenly started laughing. Maybe they were joking? That's nice.

Joking about you. About how stupid you are. And how evil you are.

Turtlestride sighed, turning and padding to the clearing to sit down there. Her intrusive thoughts continued to argue with her and insult her in her head. Maybe the gathering that night would take her mind off of things.


Sunset. There was the sound of insects chirping and the pawsteps of nocturnal creatures skittering around in the leaves. The bottom of the canyon was shadowed now, the sun unable to reach them. It was time for the gathering.

Turtlestride and the other cats who were going to the gathering were leaving when Turtlestride noticed Thornberry wasn't with them. Turtlestride glanced around camp, not seeing the she-cat.

"Hurry up, silly." Beespeckle said, nudging Turtlestride.

"You guys go on ahead- I think someone forgot to tell Thornberry about the gathering." Turtlestride replied. Thornberry was never very punctual- but she wouldn't miss the gathering.

"Thornberry?" Turtlestride addressed, walking into the warriors' den. There was a faint sound of... Suppressed sobbing?

Thornberry was sitting in her nest, dragged to the corner of the warriors' den, huddled there, face pressed into the moss, crying. Turtlestride walked over cautiously.

It's because of you, I bet. You terrible cat, making your best friend cry. How dare you?

Turtlestride tapped Thornberry's shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Thornberry paused, sniffling slightly. She lifted her face from the moss, staring ahead at the den's wall. "It's... Larkstep. He and Cloudflight made up."

"What? But you and Larkstep are together. Why would he make up with her and suddenly leave you?" Turtlestride asked, taken aback.

"We were never together!" Thornberry wailed, pressing her face back into the moss. Her next words were so muffled they were barely intelligible. "He was just- using me! To make her jealous. So he could get her back. He didn't love me! It was all fake!"

Turtlestride was horrified. How dare that tom take advantage of her friend like that? That fox-heart.

Turtlestride stood. "I'll see you when I get back from the gathering." She said, storming out of the den, infuriated by Larkstep's actions.

She headed to the gathering place, the Oasis, alone; the rest of the cats had probably already gotten there already. Once she got there, she stepped down to the sandy clearing in front of the Oasis. The cats of the three Clans were gathered there. But her eyes fell upon Larkstep.

She stomped over to the tom, and leapt at him, claws unsheathed.

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