"Hey, open it. What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"But If I do that then-".

"Shut up, it's already too late." I said.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." 15 walks over to the door of the cell, and unlocks it within seconds. I step out and 15 was smiling.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm just taking in the view of you in handcuffs. If Uno and the boys could see you now." 15 said.

"Pissed off," I said. Footsteps came down the halls, and we look ahead to some dolls standing there.

"Damn it!" 15 said.

"Hurry, and get these off me." I said. 15 hurried and got the cuffs off. I ran towards the dolls. "I'm looking forward to this." I punched a whole bunch of dolls into the ceiling. I walk back over to 15. "Let's go.".

"What about your friend?" 15 asked.

"I'll be fine." Samon said.

"You heard the man, come on." I said.

"Sorry, but Liang asked me to save him too, I promised. Beside if you leave him like this, won't you have to explain it later?" 15 asked.

I stopped in my tracks. "Damn. It's true, that It wouldn't look good if I got out, and he remained underground. If they find out that I was the only one to escape, it'll only invite more scrutiny in number 15's jail-breaking, and if it gets out that I used him to escape that'll be more than just a blemish on my reputation. If that happens- no, but it'll still interfere with my duties from here on out, Kiji will probably nag me as well. More importantly, I can't let the war-".

15 got in my face. "Hurry it up!".

I sighed. "Okay, fine. I guess, we have no choice." Me and 15 walk back over to the cell and opened the door.

Samon scoffed. "I never asked you to help me.".

"Yeah, break time's over, monkey. It's time for you to get to work." I said, as 15 walks over to Samon.

"Who the hell, do you think you-" 15 releases Samon from his chains and talismans. Samon looks at his hands then up at 15.

"Uh, you did want me to take those off, right?" 15 asked.

Samon tackles 15 to the ground. "Hajime, I knew that you were hiding something. This inmate can escape anytime he wants. Funny, you never mentioned that, it seems like a pretty significant detail. I wonder just how many times, his escaped under your watch. How long have you been illegally covering for-".

I punched him hard, causing him to fly into the wall. "I forgot you're even more annoying when your free." 15 gets up to his feet. "Forget him, he's obnoxious. Let's just lock him back up and move along.".

More dolls appeared and surrounded the cell. "Uh oh," 15 said.

"Can't move forward, until we get rid of those things. You better not slow me down." I said.

"You're a Nanba guard, right? So protect me." 15 said, before we ran out of the cell.


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