1.8 Sharing the Power

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The crew all moved through the carnival. It was the perfect hiding spot. A bunch of kids would blend in with the crowd at a carnival. However, there was one thing Y/N did not account for.

Girl: Is that him?

Boy: Oh, my God!

Girl: It's Zap-tain America!

Boy: Power Boy!

A crowd began gathering around Y/N, all wanting pictures and autographs.

Freddy: He's an impersonator, okay?

The crowd would soon draw too much attention to them. Y/N could only think of one thing to do.

Y/N: Shazam!

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, hitting Y/N. Levitating in the air, Sivana saw the lightning and flew over towards the carnival. Meanwhile, the crowd of people were trying to figure out where the (f/c) costumed hero went.

Y/N and his siblings rushed away and hid behind a prize booth. However, it wasn't long before the crowds found a new person to focus on. Sivana flew in and floated above the crowd. He called out to Y/N.

Sivana: Champion. You don't deserve that name. Hiding behind innocent people who will now die. Because deep down you're still just a scared little boy.

Among the crowd was the Santa from the shopping mall. He looked up and recognized Sivana. He then realized the danger they were in.

Santa: Oh, no. Run! Run!

The crowd dispersed as everyone ran away in fear. Sivana shot a popcorn stand with a bolt of energy, causing it to explode. The Santa fell down and tried to crawl away.

Using the staff, Sivana fired another bolt of energy at the Ferris wheel. The ride halted and the machine operating it sparked. The support beam buckled and began to bend. At the top of the ride, Brett and Burke were freaking out.

Y/N looked at the Ferris wheel and the people running around. He had to do something. He had to face Sivana. He turned to Freddy.

Y/N: Well, you wanted me to be a hero.

Freddy: Are you kidding? Okay, no. Old guy's up there harboring multiple spiritual entities. Plus, he has the same powers as you. Plus, I mean, he knows what he's doing. Plus, I mean, you're my best friend. I don't want you to die.

Y/N smiled at Freddy, happy he finally had both a brother and a friend.

Y/N: If a superhero can't save his family, he's not much of a hero.

Y/N smiled at them all and walked off. Freddy looked at him in awe.

Freddy: That was a decent catchphrase. 

Y/N walked towards Sivana. It was time to be a hero.

Y/N: Shazam!

Y/N: Shazam!

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SHAZAM! The Mightiest Mortal (Male Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora