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Character Info
Full Name: Hikiru Nayoji

Stage Name: Nayo, Ivie Windrov

Role: Drummer

Other Jobs: Model

Born: August 19 1970

Died: October 18 2012 (42 y.o)

Age when joined the band: 19

Year Joined The Band: 1989

Ethnicity: Japanese, Half British

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Hobbies: Sleeping, Listening to Music, Walking

Likes: Music, Clothes, Rest of the band, Money, Sleep, Hugs, Her blanket.

Dislikes: The smell of leftover foods, Few types of meats, Sports, Hot temperatures, Insects.

Favorite Food: Pasta, Sweets, Pastries

Favorite Drinks: Vodka, Milk, Coffee

Style: Dark colored, fitted(usually) tops. Any pants, but preferably dark colored also. Many accessories. (To sum it up, Grunge with a bit of fairy grunge aesthetic) would also wear fancy or formal attire if she wants. Also wears glasses. Makeup style 90's style, smokey eye and grunge.

Height: 5'5

Hair Type: Somewhat wavy and thick hair|Shaggy hair (probably 1B-1C hair type)

Hair Length: Shoulder Length

Hair Color: Dark Brown (Natural hair color) Teal and Purple streak hair (Dyed)

Eye Color: Olive Green

Skin Color: Slightly tanned|with warm undertone

Net Worth: 70 Million yen per month
411k euros per month
349k pounds per month

Genre: Shoegaze, Dreampop, Alternative, Indie

Releases: 6
1st Album: N/A - (October 1991)
2nd Album: N/A - (March 5 1996)
3rd Album: N/A - (September 26 1998)
Debut EP: N/A - July 28 2004
Single: N/A - February 5 2006
4th Album: N/A - (May 11 2007)

*All of the albums were unreleased not until her bandmates officially released them in August 19 2013*

Father: Toshiaki Hikiru
Born: July 19 1937
Nationality: Japanese
Died: September 13 2002 (65 y.o)

Mother: Madeline Sakurai
Born: April 24 1935
Nationality: Half Japanese, Half British
Died: October 28 2023 (88 y.o)

Sibling(s): 2

Shiro Hikiru
Born: April 12 1964
Died: March 4 2054 (90 y.o)
Husband: Trevor Anderson

Yumei Hikiru
Born:September 27 1966
Died: February 24 2046 (80 y.o)
Husband: Angelo Hikiru

Niece: Kazly Anderson

•Born in August 19 1970, Kawasaki, Japan. Her mother was half british and half japanese while her father is full japanese, she has two older siblings, Shiro and Yumei Hikiru.

•When she was only around 5 years old, her parents got divorced and their father has full custody of  her siblings. In unknown circumstances, Nayoji was taken by her mother and they lived in UK with her family after the divorce. Nayoji and her siblings were able to still get in contact with eachother, until  Nayoji was in middle school, she went back to Japan to live with her siblings and her father.

•She started to play the drums during her highschool years, also being a part of a band that time, they usually performed during school events.

•During her early times in highschool, she was barbaric and a war freak, always picking fights with her boy classmates.

•In highschool, she dated someone for a short period, not until they decided to dump her.

•After graduating she decided to pursue music, then later moved out of her house to live in an apartment and went to university. She learned basic english when she was younger but it got rusty not until she met Lucia in college.

•In 1991 she decided to go to UK to visit her mother, ever since she moved out, she was able to be in contact with her mother again and meet her. It was the same year when she first created her album.

•She only planned to stay with her mother for about 2 weeks, but when she was in Manchester, she was hired by a model agency. She signed with the name 'Ivie Windrov'.
•Fun Fact, she got the name 'Ivie' because apparently her mother planned to name her that. Meanwhile she got 'Windrov' from her great grandfather (her mom's side)

•She had to extend her stay in UK because of that (2 weeks to 1 month) after that she has been on multiple fashion runaway shows, mostly being known in UK, and Canada.

•After failing her driving lessons 3 times, In 1992 she finally got her driver's license. She owned a car and later got a motorcycle too.

•Ever since 1993, she was known as the alcoholic and the most controversial member of the group, she has received multiple criticism for years. And throughout their career, she has been on multiple scandals, scandals about her dating other music artists.

•In 1994 she almost quit the band. Its also the year when she moved out from their shared apartment and owned a traditional Japanese house.

•She keeps her modeling and music work separated, the public weren't able to know since she changes her appearance. She got famous in the modeling industry, and has been on many runaway shows and has traveled in multiple countries.

•She wrote many songs for their 5th album during their stay in UK that didn't made it to the final product of the album. After their 5th project, she polished those songs which was then released in 1996 as her 2nd album.

•When the public finally connected the dots, they brought up a picture that was took during her early years in modeling (A picture of her and a celebrity) which became one of her scandals. During the band's stay in UK 1995, she had 2 scandals.

•In 1997 her oldest sibling adopted a baby.

•Around late '98 was where she started to feel unwell, she had some hard times during those years. She also made an album that same year, making it her supposed 3rd unreleased album.

•In late 2001 she retired as a model at the age of 31.

•During their hiatus, she moved to France around mid-late 2003 and owned an apartment, during that time she experimented on producing music. She produced 3 works at that time, only releasing two of her works. The album she released in 2004 was her debut album.

•She also worked as a writer editor, a freelance artist and freelance writer on the side. Till she went back to Japan around early-mid 2007.

•On October 18 2012 at around 2:03 midnight, she was found lying dead in an alleyway, there were no marks, or wounds. She was seen by her friends a few days ago. Turns out, the last place she went to was a bar and she was by herself. Till to this day it was still a mystery whether it was hom*cide, m*rder, or s*icide.

•In 2013, her bandmates released all 4 of her unreleased albums.

Famous Quote(s): "I may look like a mean bitch who would silently judge you, I mean I'll probably would but i swear i'm easy going most of the time- especially when i'm intoxicated."

"Honey, you're supposed to make the clothes look fabulous, not the other way around."

What Does Every Member Think Of Nayo?

Lucia: 2 Timer, Chaotic, she's emo sometimes, kind, loves to drink and especially loves to party.

Sae-Byeok: Alcoholic, very controversial.

Aira: God bless

Kenakuma: I mean sometimes she's a bit serious for my style, but she's kind enough, sometimes.

Alisha: She's unstable.

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