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Character Info
Full Name: Nori Ransurotto

Stage Name: Kenakuma

Role: Keyboardist

Other Jobs: Works at a convenience store, Music Artist/Music Producer

Born: August 25 1972

Died: June 19 2033 (60 y.o)

Ethnicity: Japanese

Age Joined The Band: 19

Year Joined The Band: 1992

Sexuality: Straight (not confirmed)

Gender: Male

Hobbies: Learning new languages, Playing the piano, Learning new things, and Watching TV, Crafting, scraping dried paint off.

Likes: To eat out, nature, puzzles, stalking, random facts.

Dislikes: Some green foods,

Favorite Food: Ramen, Cake, Sushi.

Favorite Drink: Soju, Water, Green Tea.

Style: Traditional Japanese clothing |Also wears casual clothing (Ex. Graphic shirts, trousers, jeans) Wears a kitsune mask.

Hair Type: Straight||wolfcut (idk)

Hair Length: Medium?

Hair Color: White on the top and red on the lower side (Dyed)| Brownish Black (Natural color)

Eye Color: Light Brown

Skin Color: Light brown skinned

Net Worth: 30 Million yen per month
177k euros per month

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: 2

Nori Mai
Born: February 19 1969
Occupation: Professional volleyball player

Nori Dai
Born: December 3 1975

•Born on August 25 1972, Sendai, Japan. Having an older sister, and having a younger brother in 1975. Growing up middle class. He's usually the one who looks after  his younger sibling since his parents are busy while his older sister takes a part time job or was usually out of the house.

•He started to have a huge interest in music around his highschool years. Playing the piano keyboard and an acoustic guitar ever since he was 12. He doesn't usually participate in music competitions, but he used to play his guitar in the streets. He joined the music club, but quitted before a year has even passed. After that, he decided to explore more about music, until he found the type of music that he's interested to.

•Aside from music, he also had other interests, such as playing volleyball (which was all because of his sister's great influence) and learning a new language. He started to learn english and korean all by himself and grasped the basics of the languages.

•He decided to pursue music as a carrer, then during his 3rd year in college, his sister introduced him to one of her junior friends back in college, Nayo. Where Nayo introduced him to her other 3 friends. They all became close friends, so when he was currently in his last year in college, they offered him to join the band as the Keyboardist of the band, which he accepted.

•During his years with the band, he used the opportunity to explore more about music, given the equipment they had at the studio, he experimented on them, producing his own songs on the side.

•Kenakuma usually covers his face during performances and interviews, although he would show his face from time to time (rarely though). He also tends to wear japanese traditional clothing, but obviously he wears casual clothes too.

•He was also known as the loud, chaotic and the alcoholic one. And for years he was viewed by the media as somewhat homosexual even though he would always denied it.

•There was one incident that happened years ago where his phone broke. He was in 3rd story tall building and he kept jumping near the balcony that his phone fell off the balcony.

•On October 14 1993 he almost burned their shared apartment because he was trying to cook. (Left it unattended).

•During around this time, he released a single and an album, under the name, Ran.

•When they were in England back in 1995, he threw up on backstage after their performance.

•For 2 times, Kenakuma was caught "fighting" with someone during events. Where the media suspicion about his sexuality was brought up again.

•Around early 1996, he tried dating someone (A fan) but it was kept from the public. Their relationship didn't lasted that long, and they both decided to break up.

•Around 1999 he started to take dr*gs (he even admitted that he was on dr*gs on their interview from june) but fortunately he stopped his addiction in early 2002.

•During their performance in September 7 2000, he risked jumping to the crowd, it went well but he ended up with a minor injury on his knee.

•In April 11 2001, Kenakuma was almost sentenced to jail for drunk driving. But he was bailed out by his bandmates, and they payed the police to keep it secret from the public.

•During the hiatus, he had fully focused as to making his own music, releasing about 2 albums.

•In 2004 he traveled to US and collab with a few small artists.

•In 2006 he then traveled to Australia. Also created an album during his time there (collab with other people too)

•After they disbanded, he took a break from the music career and worked in a convenience store (2014) for around 6 months, before he went back to being a music artist.

•His music genre was usually J-pop and lofi, with some electric. He collab around 6 people, with one of them being his ex-bandmate, Aira. He released a total of 9 albums as a solo artist.

•In 2017 he decided to switch it up a bit, and be a music producer. He collab with many people, with some artists outside of Japan. And he slowly became as a well known music producer in Japan.

•On June 19 2033 he was electrocuted  while playing the piano keyboard. He was dead during arrival.

Famous Quote(s): "Never gonna give you up"

"Never gonna let you down"

What Does Every Member Think Of Kenakuma?

Lucia: Looks stupid and an addict.

Nayo: He's.....alright, he just sometimes very random, Do not and i mean DO NOT leave this child by himself, he's a troublemaker and the most chaotic one in the group.

Sae-Byeok: Corrupt and pathetic.

Aira: Yes.

Alisha: Just die i hate you.

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