Fairy love

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In the darkness of night, I found my fairy love,
Sleeping 'neath blooms of purple foxglove.

Her hair, a cascade of silver stream,
My lovely moonbeam, my cherished dream.

Soft emerald moss cradled her head,
As she lay upon her leafy bed.

Skin fair as snow, a smile on her lips,
My love, child of the eclipse.

Indigo cloak draped over her form,
As stars above her did gently swarm.

I dared not move, lest I should wake,
This beauty asleep, for my heart's sake.

With the first touch of dawn upon the ground,
My heart sank low, my love unbound.

I watched as she faded, like a wisp of smoke,
Till only a glimmer, like stars, she spoke.

Sorrow filled me, threw me to the ground,
For why must love so quickly be drowned?

Tears of sorrow filled my eyes,
As night returned with familiar skies.

Once more, in the forest's heart so deep,
My love, on clover, lay in sleep.

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