Review by @Project_Athena

5 0 0

"By Chance is a short story that manages to pack so much content into five thousand words. You managed to add most of the elements required in a full-length novel into a short series of interactions between two characters on a train.

Christi and James go from complete strangers who accidentally get assigned the same carriage to a pair that works well together as a couple, without making it feel rushed or forced.

We get both their backstories, goals and motivations within these really well-written dialogue exchanges, and it doesn't feel unnatural or shoved in. The two seem like they've known each other for ages later in the story, and they honestly have better chemistry than some works I've read.

It's a really nice read, and I recommend it to anyone who would like to have a few minutes of a happy well-written short story."

- Project_Athena

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