Chapter 45: Pulling Strings

Start from the beginning

Ochako couldn't help but want to scoff, but she held it in and maintained her composure.

"It's a nice sentiment, but they're going to know that you're their daughter right?" Izuku pointed out, grabbing everyone's attention, "It might still play a part, that's all I'm saying."

"True, but that would be the case if I applied to any other big corporation, after all, the research project is good, but makes no sense for someone in my course and field. And all of the big companies would figure out who I am, and to improve relations, would probably hire me regardless. But I can't change that, or change how they see me. So, I can at least become good enough for people to look at me and say that I earned it, not that I was given it" She reasoned, a shining, determined look in her eyes.

Izuku was taken aback for a second, his gaze softening and eyes fluttering for a second, impressed not only by Momo's ability to outsmart and reason with him, but also how... down-to-earth she seemed despite everything.

Ochako noticed the look, and it felt like a dagger had struck her in the heart. It was the same look he had when she was about to confess to him on the balcony not too long ago. She felt herself being pulled towards him, her body and heart yearning for him and everything he was and could be.

Yet... she knew he wasn't hers. Every time she saw that look on his face, she questioned whether or not he would ever be hers. Her urge to hold him, to rest her hands on his face and neck, to tell him everything and anything grew and spread like wildfire in her very being.

She momentarily glanced at the woman who held Izuku's affection, her proverbial fire melding with a bottomless pit of jealousy and rage.

Still... she was powerless. For now, she couldn't push them away, and she didn't want to push him away. No matter what, she never could push him away, even at a moment like this.

"What's wrong? If you wanted a staring contest you could have just asked~" Momo teased, her own heart melting at the look Izuku gave her, as she rested her elbow on the table, leaning into her palm and matching his look, giving him the most affectionate smile she could muster.

"Nothing, I just..." Izuku began, his tone soft, and words sounding as smooth as butter, unknowingly causing Ochako's heart to skip a beat, he opened his mouth to carry on, but was cut off by Eri slapping him on the back, knocking the wind out of his lungs momentarily.

"Strike three!" She exclaimed, with a big grin on her face, and earning devil eyes from Momo, as Ochako held in her own intent to condemn the girl.

"You didn't... have to hit me so hard... asshole" Izuku said, needing a second to catch his breath as he laughed a little.

"Are you okay?" Ochako asked, making sure to do so before Momo could get in the way.

"I'm fine" Izuku said dismissively, coughing a little before breathing normally again.

"Really? Maybe I didn't hit you hard enough..." Eri said, winding up again, causing Izuku to flinch a little.

"Eri please don't break my boyfriend, I'll just be stuck taking care of him otherwise" Momo replied, nonchalantly, though she made sure to look Izuku dead in the eyes, slurping up a noodle very suggestively, causing his eyes to widen slightly, but he made sure not to elicit any other response, after all, they were still at the table.

"Fine, I'll leave him alone... you suck the fun out of everything." Eri muttered, as Momo just gave Izuku another suggestive look, causing him to give her a look of his own, as his cheeks went a little red.

"So, how was it with Todoroki? I haven't seen him for a while" Momo asked, as Ochako simply focused on eating, and not the subtle looks the couple beside her were sharing.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWhere stories live. Discover now