.32. The Story you know, The Reality You Don't

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It was a moment.

A moment when Lorenzo Genesis, a powerful mafia boss entered the unknown premises. Everything was silent, even the rustling leaves was in the presence of his testimony.

The night enveloped the city in its dark embrace as he made his way, the cruel rular of Italian mafia, as he approached the gates of the mysterious mansion. His presence alone seemed to command the attention of the shadows, as if even they dared not cross him.

Every step Lorenzo took echoed through the silent streets, his polished leather shoes tapping against the pavement with a rhythmic precision that matched the beat of his heart. His tailored suit, a mark of his power and wealth, seemed to flow around him like a cloak of authority.

As he reached the gates, a question ran down his spine, though he refused to show any sign of uncertainty. The wrought iron gates loomed before him, their intricate patterns casting eerie shadows in the dim light. Lorenzo's hand hesitated for a moment before reaching out to grasp the cold metal, the weight of his decision settling heavily upon him.

With a creak, the gates swung open, revealing a path shrouded in darkness. Lorenzo's senses heightened as he stepped forward, the air thickening with anticipation. Every instinct told him to turn back, to shadow from whatever awaited him within those walls, but he pushed onward, driven by a thirst for power that could not be quenched.

The bungalow loomed before him like a fortress, its windows dark and foreboding. Lorenzo could feel eyes upon him, watching him from his either sides, but he refused to be intimidated. Men stood with guns on all sides and they shifted to show their approval and notice of Lorenzo's presence. With each step, his resolve hardened, until he stood before the heavy wooden door that barred his way.

With a sense of finality, Lorenzo raised his hand and knocked, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night. For a moment, there was no response, and Lorenzo felt a surge of doubt claw at the edges of his mind. But then, with a slow, deliberate movement, the door creaked open, revealing a man cloaked in shadow.

"Welcome, Mr. Genesis," the voice of one of his men murmured from the darkness, "We've been expecting you."

Lorenzo stepped over the threshold, the weight of the unknown pressing down upon him like a tangible force. Behind him, the door closed with a resounding thud, sealing his fate within the confines of the bungalow.

"I have less time," He cautioned, "Tell your master to meet me right away."

Two women approached him, signalling him to move forward towards the living area. He did so, without any such restraint. The ladies made him follow towards a large, open living space and gently motioned him to sit on the large, expensive couch set. The room, although open was void of any colour besides black and blue. The walls looked emotionless and so did the marbled tiles underneath his feet. Only a crystalline chandelier above his head add some sort of significant importance of the room. The was a grandiose staircase on the side, leading to the first floor of the mansion. The glass holdings of the staircase looked polish and sleaked.

"Please wait a while, sir. Master will be here in a minute," one of the woman said, and placed a plate of exotic nuts in front of him.

Lorenzo waved the ladies off, for he was not hear to chat with their master and eat his food. He was here for answers, answers he was searching ever since his brother and Lily Evans were shot but saved. He was the only one hiding the actual truth from them, and he tried his best to act calm and controlled, although he comprehended that he was kept in the dark for long by him.


He stood there on the first stair of the staircase, and looked down at his arch enemy. Unbuttoning his suit, he stepped down gracefully, claiming his power and control inside the mansion. Every Step he took symbolised that he had the upper hand always, and even now, he knew he was above all when it came to power.

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