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Hello my lovely people. I'm hoping all is well for you all! Tonight I give the episode 8.5 out 10. I definitely was engaged with the episode. I think some of the conversations should have been deeper. Like honestly we went through these first few episodes of Spencer and Jordan beefing for there to be no real conversation in my opinion. In my personal opinion I think if we were going to have Spencer apologize then we should've of had Jordan apologizing. Like we can't say this entire beef was on Spencer. Both played a part so I think we needed to address somethings!!! Far as Jordan and Layla, I think we have scratched the surface. He's truly seeing her at her worst now. Is he ready for the challenge. We haven't seen this side of Layla since season 1 and 2. I think they need to have more open conversations before setting a wedding date. I don't think that's a great idea right now. Coop and Patience.....we said it would happen. That's all I got to say lol. I wish Spelivia's conversation would have been a little more lol. Like they serve get angst!! I wanted them to touch on their feelings about not communicating openly. But overall I loved their conversations tonight because it was self reflection for both. The ending with them sharing and making a bucket list was EVERYTHING!!! It's so amazing that they're scared of losing each other and just fear for a repeat of the break up, but now they see just live in the moment. Trying to be in a protective bubble doesn't help! Coop was right, y'all been through a lot together and have made it out. They're locked in. GW and Grandma Wendy got a little something brewing lol. Laura should date when she's ready! But I'm glad they hi-lighted that tonight. I loved the unplug moment for them to do these case studies and make them reflect on their own relationships.

Ashley sir please go back to London because you're about to meet Alonzo James lol. I'm Lowkey excited for next week. Honestly for these next episodes to come!!! Love y'all!!!

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