The Point of It All

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"Please tell me you're not going over that checklist again."

Jordan shakes his head at his best friend. The morning at the gym was supposed to be about relaxing, catching up, and working out. Not going over the same freaking checklist over and over.

"Making sure everything is in place for tonight." Placing his phone back down and lifting weights.

"You can review that list a thousand times, and nothing will change."

"I need everything to be perfect; J. Tonight is special."

"Listen, Spence, tonight will be a magical night for my sister. But I don't think the details are a big deal for her."

"Yeah, that might be so, but it's a big deal for me, aight? I want her to reflect on this day and remember every tiny detail."

"And she will." Jordan sighs. "Wish my dad was here to witness this."

"Yeah, me too."

Years have passed. Everyone moving along with life, establishing themselves within their prospective careers. Spencer and Jordan declared the draft during their senior year of college. They spent so many years depending on each on that field they hated the thought of going separate ways. A crazy twist of fate kept both of them in LA.

"Have my sister gone all Miss. Investigator Reporter on you yet?" He asks, taking a swig of crisp cold water.

Spencer shook his head no. One thing he knew about his lady was that she would get to the bottom of things.

"And the fact I'm keeping her distracted helps too."

"Spare me the details, please."

"Not that type of distraction. We've been doing a lot more meditation and going for hikes. Even start setting aside time for us before we get our day started. I call them our morning meeting. Just relax, discuss our plans for the day and other things."

"How cute. You've always been a simp." Spencer chucks his towel at Jordan. "Come on. Just admit it. When it comes to Liv, you've always been a simp. You didn't even do these things for whatcha her face. And the girl folded your laundry and left you a Dear John note."

"Now, why you got to bring up old stuff? That was so many years ago now. Speaking of Dear John letters, didn't your ex-wife leave you one? Or was it your fiancée?"

"Cold Spence. Real cold. For your information, I got my fiancée back."

"Yeah, after you finally got your shit together. I don't know what was in your and Simone's heads when y'all started that little fling. You played a dangerous game, my guy."

"I know I did. Look, me and Layla are back on track and better than ever."

"Okay, since you two are better than ever, when's the wedding? Liv and I will beat you guys down the aisle before y'all can set a date."

The third year in the NFL still holds the number one spot in Jordan's historic football career. He was a First-string quarterback for the Rams, with his brother as a first-string wide receiver. Both are unstoppable each time they hit the field. He had his mind made up that it was finally to take the giant leap. J took that big leap, but boy, it came with a vast fall afterward. One minute he's running into Simone, and they're catching up. Catching up turned into daily texts, which lead to phone calls. All those factors lead to a night of passion continuing for two months until Layla found out.

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