Reunited pt.3

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I really love my readers. Just got back from a trip and I was determined to get you all a part three since you asked for it. Whenever I find the inspiration to write that's what I do. Its very relaxing to me. Thank you to all the Spelivia and All American fans who has embraced my book. I appreciate the outpour of love. It does my heart good ❤️.

After being on bedrest, Olivia had a follow up appointment and this was also her monthly visit. Spencer's leg bounced up and down as they say in the waiting room.

"You good?" Tearing her eyes away from the magazine and putting a hand on his knee.

"Yeah. Just anxious that's all."

"It's okay be nervous. I was nervous the very first visit. I didn't know what to expect going in."

"How did you get through it? You know without anyone there."

Shrugging her shoulders not actually know how she truly got through it.

"Guess I just remained positive and hoped everything was good. I recorded the whole appointment. Remember I showed you." He nodded his head.

"Look Spencer, I want you to experience every single moment that you didn't get to. Yeah you have videos, but this is actually in person and it hits different. This is your moment. Not mines."

Bring her hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss on it.

"You never kiss the right hand. Why is that?"

"The left one is more important than the right."

This man has a way with words and know how to make a girl feel. They were called to the back. Dr. Lederson looked over Olivia's file and her vitals that were taken.

"Well mommy I can say you are good."

"I'm officially off of bedrest?"

"You are off of bedrest for now. I need you to take it easy Olivia. Time is winding down. Yes three months might be a while from now, but it can come at any moment. We'll still monitor you to make sure."

"Whatever you need me to do I'll do it. Long as I do not have to go back on bed rest."

"Just take it easy and we should be good. I know you're in a demanding position now and it can be stressful. But yours and the baby's health is main priority."

"Don't worry doc. I'll make sure she doesn't over do anything or I'll be putting her on bed rest myself."

"I like him. He's a keeper. Lay back and lift your shirt up. This might be a little cold."

Dr. Lederson applies the gel to her stomach then turns on the machine. She moves the probe around to get the baby to moving.

"I see they're being lazy today."

"The baby is very active when Spencer's talking to them. Spencer try talking to the baby."


"Please. I really want you to get this full effect from the appointment."

Spencer leaned down and talked to the baby. Something about the sound of their daddy's voice made the baby hyper. Their lazy slumber was over and they were on full hype mode.

"Good work daddy."

Liv grabbed his hand and stared back at the screen. He taken in Aww watching the baby move around. His baby. Their baby. A baby made out of pure love and not a mistake. Even though they didn't know they would be making one. They still knew the risk when Liv stopped her birth control and they didn't use condoms anymore.

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