Destiny pt.2

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Sadness, anger, fear, hurt, any words to describe a broken soul and heart intoxicated the air. It back harder to breathe in the air. The walls seemed to be caving in on them—shallow breaths and tear-stained faces. One sat in one corner and the other in another corner of the bedroom.

She hugged her knees to find some comfort. Rocking back and forth to soothe the anxiety attack she was beginning to have. He looked on at the scene. The desire to jump in and comfort her, but she had asked for space. A room just filled with the only sounds of sniffles and deep breathing.


"Not right now."

Spencer nodded his head, respecting the boundaries, twirling his thumbs around, preparing himself for what he would say. The damage was done, but how could it possibly be fixed? Olivia looked up at the ceiling, trying to blink away tears. The wetness steadily fell as she found the courage to speak after thirty minutes of radio silence.

"I never envisioned that this would be us. Not being able to communicate, not being able to fix us. No matter what, we were able to get through anything. Together. I don't think we can fix it."

"Don't say that. We can fix this. We just have to "

"Have to what, Spencer?! You slept with her after being with Me! You woke up in this same bed with me the morning of your mom's wedding. You clearly stated that she was just a friend. Then you go all out for your friend on Valentine's Day. I just got a simple, you've been on my mind today. Oh, and the icing on the cake was letting me know that the flowers weren't for me. Thanks for making an already hard day even worse."

"I wasn't trying to hurt you, Liv. I swear. Alicia and I are just friends. Things got heated, and it went further than it should have. I wanted to be transparent and let you know what happened before we had another game night scenario."


"Yes, transparent."

An object flung across the room, hitting Spencer's temple. Olivia's shoe landed next to him.

"What the hell?"

"You.Want.To.Be.Transparent!" Flinging her other shoe at his chest.

"Liv! What The Hell Is Wrong With You?!"

"You! You're what's wrong with me! You and your smash tours, casual dating, and having sex with someone else are what's wrong with me!"

Olivia erupted into full fledge sobs. Her mind raced with everything she wanted and needed to say, but it only reverted to one thought, she was deeply in love with Spencer James. But love wasn't enough to fix what was broken between the two. It should be enough, but in actual reality, it wasn't.

Cold tears gaze upon Spencer's cheek. His heart was crushed into a million shattered pieces knowing he was the one for her pain instead of being the one to help her fix her pain.

"I know I've made a mess of things. I know I'm not the same man you fell in love with." He takes a brief pause and looks down. "You told me that I was always it for you. You made it clear that you have loved me since I walked into that biology class. You knew. Liv, my mind has been everywhere since we've broken up. I haven't made any good choices. They all have reverted to hurting you—something I have never wanted to do."

"Loving you is something I'll probably do for the rest of my life." Olivia silently spoke, glancing at Spencer. "That's what you said that night. Everything you said that night sounded like this was just temporary. I wish you wouldn't have said those things. Because you don't mean it."

"I meant it that night, and I still do."

She was shaking her head in disappointment. Rage boiled into those set of brown eyes. For the past few weeks, she has been fighting with herself, the vortex, this article, and her dreams; Olivia couldn't take it anymore. Her world was spinning, and she was slowly but surely crashing down without a parachute.

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