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𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟓
Angels pov
Me and Aiden was js standing their confused "Lol why isn't it screaming?" I was staring at the phantom with a brow raised "I think it's mute or I think only ash could hear them" we looked at Ashlyn who was covering her ears with Ben keeping her up "Aiden come on!" Ben grabbed Aiden and I went to go get Ashlyn to the room "I think we could take them! There are more bottles-" I grabbed Aiden by his hair and we start running again.

I see Logan and Tyler at the doorway and I ran into the room and fell on the floor in front of Taylor and everyone else after the closed the door.We was all tired and we heard banging and I hit my head on the floor a little scared "ow that hurt..."I sat up and moved onto the wall tiredly.

"We should put the couch up against the door.."

I was sitting on the floor next to Taylor,Tyler,and Logan while the others was one the other side and I had my eyes closed trying to go to sleep

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I was sitting on the floor next to Taylor,Tyler,and Logan while the others was one the other side and I had my eyes closed trying to go to sleep.Aiden did a light laugh which already triggered Tyler "why are you laughing this time?,it's like we're in a zombie movie,and that's supposed to be funny?" Then I heard Aiden say yeah "is he insane or something?" They kept talking but I didn't really pay attention to them cuz I js wanted some sleep until I heard arguing so I opened my eyes and saw Ashlyn and Tyler arguing.

I was to tired for this bullshit to happen so I tried to tell them to shut up but they didn't listen so the only way people could really listen to me is if I scream so that's what I did "CAN YALL SHUT UP!" Everyone looked at me but I didn't care "we in a whole different dimension and the only thing yall are doing is arguing! How about yall atleast try to get along with eachother instead of fucking disagreeing with eachother!" Ashlyn let go of Tyler and she sat down and so did Tyler and I js put my head on Taylor's shoulders and she wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

It went quiet once again and I closed my eyes until Ashlyn started talking again so I opened my eyes and glared at her "we need weapons and materials,So let's gather up everything in the motel room and sort through what we can use"
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟔
I was sitting next to Ashlyn while she hold my hand while Ben cleaned her wound on her arm and we both screamed due to how hard she squeezed my hand and the alcohol on her arm that was js applied then we heard glass shattered so I looked over and it was Aiden breaking a glass bottle "aye look,another weapon!"

"Hey watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom,Now there's glass everywhere!" Logan than got up "I-I'll get the broom" I saw Ashlyn look over at the twins specifically at Tyler but I ignored it and closed my eyes wondering 'when are we gonna get out of this hell hole?' Then I sighed

"Hey watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom,Now there's glass everywhere!" Logan than got up "I-I'll get the broom" I saw Ashlyn look over at the twins specifically at Tyler but I ignored it and closed my eyes wondering 'when are we gon...

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Ben rubbed the alcohol in Ashlyn's wound and she squeezed the shit out of my hand and I punched her arm "that shit hurt ash.." I looked at her and she looked in pain and Aiden came over and gave her a cloth to squeeze instead of my hand, "here,wanna squeeze this instead of Angels hand?"


"Yep I never took you for the leader type"

"I'm not but my parents are"

"Your parents?"

"They're both from the military"

"Ah I get it.so your used to being told what to do in a situation like this" I did a stiff laugh at my sisters face that she gave Aiden while Ben closes the Med kit and Ashlyn started to shake her arm "thanks,Ben.Your pretty good at this"

"lol yeah,he's used to patch me up"

"From?" I looked at Aiden interested in the conversation now "MM,various things? Skateboarding tricks,Rock climbing,hiking,jumping off tall places,stuff like that?" I raised a brow at him "so you basically thrill?" And Aiden shook his head "wow judging from the way you've been acting that's not too surprising" then Ashlyn got up and started talking to the twins then she grabbed a stick and y'all could still hear the phantoms outside.

I sat on the floor against the couch and help them take apart the chairs but then you started hearing the phantoms a different way and you saw Ashlyn was hearing them differently too like y'all use to hear them when y'all was little.I got out of my thoughts and groaned "ughhhh! I js wanna leave this place I don't wanna deal with these ugly black creepy weird things"

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