Chapter 10 (Lorenzo's POV)

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I'm driving down the road on my way back home, I look in my rearview mirror seeing blue lights. You've gotta be kidding me, I pull over. He walks up to my bike "Sir are you Lorenzo Ramirez?" What did I do now? "Yes officer, what's the problem?" Fear rushing through my veins, my head flooding with questions, who framed me? "License, and registration, along with your license to carry a gun." I reach behind me and open the pannier and grab my registration, I hand it to the officer, then I get my wallet out of my pocket handing him my license, ID, and my license for my handgun. He walks back to the car, and about 10 minutes later he comes back and says "I'm going to let you off with a warning." He walks back to his car and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I pull off.
I finally get back home only to find out it's past curfew the door is locked, and my sister's light is on so I message her "Come unlock the door please." A couple of minutes later I hear the deadbolt click and the door opens. My sister's curly brown hair glows, and she's wearing a pair of Grey sweatpants, and a white tanktop/crop top. She walks back to her room as I shut and lock the door. I go upstairs to my room laying on my bed I smile as I think about her…

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