Chapter 3 (Taylor's POV)

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My blood starts to boil I raise my hand "May I be moved?!" The teacher glares at me. "No for one I didn't call on you and for two..." She walks over to me and gives him and me a blue detention slip. "You both have detention..." Oh my God! I can't have detention I’ll get cut from the squad "B-but I have cheer. I c-cant miss, I will be cut from the squad!" She laughs and so does the guy next to me "Well Miss. Claire, you should have thought about that before you yelled at me.'" Yelled? I didn't yell at her, I raised my hand and told her...
I sit at my desk waiting for what's his face to show. Finally, he gets here and sits down, he winks at me with his brown eyes. He whispers "You owe me, you got me here... you owe me something. I'm not sure what yet, but you owe me." I watch his full lips as he talks he says it very slowly, it's intriguing and makes me curious about him. I whisper back "Okay by the way what's your name?" He says "Lorenzo, you can call me Enzo though" he flashes me an evil smile. I study him, he has a strange darkness to his eyes I’ve never seen before. I look at his shoes and chuckle, of fucking course he is wearing none other than chuck taylor, black Converse. His dark blue jeans flow over them just perfectly my eyes trail up his pants to his shirt, he’s wearing a black shirt that outlines his muscles, and that bandana, what does it mean? Damn, he’s actually gorgeous but I’m sure he’ll have a line of girls after him.

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