Nine- Dannie

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Gabriel was not kidding when he said it could be a long drive. My brain was struggling to understand how it took almost an hour to travel twenty kilometres. It was not as bad as Vancouver, but traffic like this makes me glad I don't live in a large city. Michael seemed unbothered by all the vehicles surrounding us and maneuvered the car through the streets with ease. I, on the other hand, stopped trying to keep track of our route after the third turn, instead opting to enjoy some of the beautiful scenery. Truthfully, I was just trying to distract myself from stressing over my meeting with Cassia. If I fucked this up, which was a real possibility, or if she decided I was not worth helping, I could be blind to beings that might want me dead.

Looking for parking in this city was truly painful. We stopped and checked three places before finding vacancies in a parking complex. Apparently, it was lucky it was only eight city blocks from our destination.

Even at this early hour, most of the streets are packed with people rushing to open shops or get to work. It was overwhelming being surrounded by so many people, but quickly, I found Michael's ass directly in front of me to be a nice distraction. Part of me knew it was not polite to be ogling Michael, but it was hard to look away. His cargo pants were snug and showcased his tight derriere. Peaking over my shoulder Gabriel is right there, flashing me a knowing smile. I am mortified he caught me, my face feels like it is on fire from the level of embarrassment engulfing me. I am turning crimson and Gabriel's grin just grows larger, just like my desire to kick him.

Determined to ignore Gabriel's impish smirk, I focus on the towering brick buildings around me. They are massive and done in varying colours from brown or tan to off whites and creams, making me feel like I stepped back into the eighteenth century. Back home, buildings are usually two stories, but here, most are looming towers that shadow the streets. To my surprise, even a convenience store is housed in an antique brick building, looking very swanky. I was so engrossed looking around that Gabriel had moved right up beside me without me noticing. He caught my eye and was still grinning like an idiot.

"What?" I snapped, feeling flustered.

Gabriel gave a hearty laugh and playfully nudged my shoulder. "How urr ye lik' th' views, Dannie?" He smiled while shooting me a wink.

I knew exactly what he was getting at, and he knew I knew, his mischievous beaming being a dead giveaway. I could not help but give a snort, "Oh, there are some fine views." I laughed while shaking my head, "Asshole."

Following the path Michael was carving through the crowds, the buildings became uniformly made with red brick. Coming to a tight space between red bricked buildings, marked with brightly coloured Chinese lanterns, Michael stopped. Seeing the narrow space he was intending to lead me down, I started to feel nervous. The realization I was going to wander down a dark alley to meet a witch hit me, and I felt like I was putting myself in a bad horror movie set up.

Michael seemed to sense my hesitation and turned to me, a gentle reassuring smile gracing his face. "Trust me, Danielle; it is not as bad as your imagination in conjuring right now." His grin faltered for a moment before his cobalts locked onto my emeralds, making a smouldering warmth travel through my insides.

Gabriel's warm hand encased my shoulder as he stood flush with my side; heat radiating off him and through my clothes. His seemingly unfaltering grin grew, "Thare is hee haw tae worry aboot lassie. Ah wull keep ye safe," he reassured while rubbing my arm.

Michael gave a soft grunt before turning to walk into the alley. Not used to attention like Gabriel's, I sluffed off his arm. "Thanks," I softly smiled before following Michael.

Slowly, the space seemed to open up, and instead of solid brick lining the sides of the alley, it was green framed glass front shops. It was tight with people going to and fro, but it filled with a lively energy that had my head swivelling in every direction, trying to take it all in. Michael paused at an iron gate nestled between buildings and, with a flick of his wrist, had it swinging open.

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