Atlas:Greek Titan

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Attack potency:planet"By sheer size alone"-solar system-multi solar system level"Known to hold up "The Sky" rather than his popular depiction of holding up the Earth; while Greeks may have simply considered the sky all that was above them, it varies on how far their knowledge actually reached and whether they meant the local solar system or, possibly, the entire universe; alternatively, it could be said he is universal by the known saying that he holds up "The Heavens"; could battle beings such as Zeus"

About this guy:he was a powerful titan and a central leader in the war against the gods; however, after he and his brethren fell, he was forced into servitude by the gods to hold up the sky. He is the god of astrology and is the center piece of several other geographical places, including the Atlantic Ocean (Atlas' Ocean) and Atlantis (City of Atlas).

Abilities:superhuman physical characteristics,Skilled Combatant,magic, Immortality"type 1",teleportation, elemental manipulation,wisdom gifted, genius intelligence,resistance to damage
Age:14,000-15,000 years old

Strength/lifting strength:stellar+- galactic]speed:massively FTL]strike strength:universe]durability:solar system]stamina:godly]intelligence: genius

Species:Titan race

Height:20 ft
Join or home/habitat:far west near the edge of the world.
Weakness:Must uphold the heavens for eternity, extremely proud.
Backstory:Atlas and his brother Perseus sided with the Titans in their war against the Olympians, the Titanomachy. When the Titans were defeated, many of them (including Menoetius) were confined to Tartarus, but Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of the earth and hold up the sky on his shoulders. Thus, he was Atlas Telamon, "enduring Atlas", and became a doublet of Coeus, the embodiment of the celestial axis around which the heavens revolve.

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