Cronus:God of Time

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Name:Cronus,Kronos,Chronus,Saturn, Crooked One,Titan King of Mount Othrys,Titan Lord,King Cannibal,All- Devouring,Saturnus,Titan of Capitol, Child Eater,Lord Kronos,God of Time, King of the Titanes,The Crooked One,
C'Us,Chronus,Greek God of Time and the Harvest,Greek god of fate and justice,
Lord of Mount Othrys,Ruler of the Universe,Lord of the Titans,Titan of Time,Father of the Olympians

Attack potency:solar system"Kronos possesses immense power and influence within Greek mythology, he eaten his godly children" |multi solar system" based on his immense strength and power, However, his strength may be diminished when compared to other deities or entities"

Universe level"With scythe,he fought Zeus and his other children who try to fight him until ultimately lost to Zeus"

About this guy:Cronus is the titan God of harvest,agriculture,wealth and was the former king of the Greek Gods. He ruled upon the Mount Orthys before over thrown by Zeus,his surviving son and multilated before casted down to Tartarus.

Abilities:Superhuman physical characteristics,Mastery of psychological warfare,Psychological Manipulation, Chronokinesis"Kronos could control the effects of time even when he was imprisoned in Tartarus.",Chlorokinesis" Kronos was the Titan of Plants and Agriculture.",Immortality"type 1.5",size manipulation,weather manipulation, resistance to diseases.mind.soul.Death Manipulation

Strength/lifting strength:multi stellar] speed:FTL]strike strength:solar system- multi solar system]durability:solar system-multi solar system-universe+] stamina:very high]intelligence:Genius or lower.

Personality:Cronus is malevolent, ruthless, power hungry, sadistic, and extremely arrogant. He quickly agrees to his mother's proposal of castrating his own father. He was the most devious and violent of his twelve siblings, and none questioned his authority when he seized the throne after Dyēus' death. He loved his throne over his children, and swallowed them in order to thwart the prophecy of son beating the father. He was also extremely paranoid and reckless, believing Dyēus' prophecy and not taking appropriate measure or thinking properly over this matter. He was also hostile towards his Cyclopes and Hundred Handed brothers.

However, he is shown to have an honorable side as well. He kept his promise to his four brothers and gave them control of the four directions: He respected and loved his brothers and sisters, and was especially close to his four brothers: Hyperion, Iapetus, Crius and Coeus, which all helped him in the castration of his father. He held his mother in high regard and was shown to be loving towards his sister wife Rhea, not wishing her harm in any way.

Weapons:Kronos's Scythe

Join or home/habitat:Mount Othrys
Relationship:non or unknown
Weakness:unknown or non
Backstory:Cronos was born the youngest son of the sky god Dyēus and Earth Goddess Dʰéǵʰōm and is one of the first generation titans. Dyeus earned the rage of Dʰéǵʰōm after he Imprisoned the Hekatonkaries and Elder Cyclopes in Tartarus. so she begins forging the Adamantine scythe and give it to the bravest of Titans. Cronus steps forward and form a plan with his siblings. while Dyeus Manifest to the earth, the sibilngs restrain him that allows Cronus to finish the job, casting his father's body parts into the ocean. Cronus then crowned himself the King of the Titans and take Rhea as his wife. together, they bore six children starting with Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. whom he devoured after learning a prophecy of his down fall. Rhea, unable to bear another loss of her children, switches her youngest, Zeus with a stone. which Cronus devoured unknowingly. Years later, Zeus disguised himself and went to become the cupbearer of Cronos. giving adventage to put an emetic that force the cannibal titan to vomit out his siblings and start the war for dominance now known as Titanomachy. with the help of Hekatonkaries and Elder cyclopes, the Gods manage to defeat the titan army and cast Cronos down to Tertarus where he suffered to today.

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